Now, that we have had a little fun, I will tell you about our day. Got a call from the cardiologists office this morning concerning Lindsay's blood test and urine sample and we have discovered that she has a urinary infection (UTI). So, that could explain the increase in sleep because she probably just didn't feel the best. We started her on good ole amoxicillin and we go to the pediatrician now on Friday to make sure she is healing up from that. Man, if isn't one thing, it's another. However, not complaining. :-) Did I mention it is good to go with your gut on things before? ;-)
Overall, today was good. She has been awake a little more this evening and hoping for an uneventful night. Prayer of the night: that the medication works for her infection and that she continues to eat and keep it down. So far no throw-ups since we left the hospital.
Sweet dreams and heart hugs,
Go Blue Lindsay!! Pack that for Saturday for the girls to wear... Maggie has the same one. I wonder who we play that day??... if you want to start the other count down, 50. Sweet dreams Princess Lindsay. We love you!
Steph and Family
The first word that comes to mind when I see that picture is BEAUTIFUL. Glad to hear all the good news.
Go Michigan! Lindsay continues to grow more adorable each day. We have set up a blog for Braeden too.
Heart hugs,
Stephanie(mom to Colin HH and Braeden HLHS)
She's getting so big and cuter everytime I check on her. I'm so glad that she is doing so well. You guys are always in our thoughts.
Take care.
I never thought that Michigan could look so good! I think Lindsay could make anything BEAUTIFUL!!!
Love you all~ Rebecca
Ok so I will let the U of M stuff slide. I will have to supply some Spartan gear!! she is amazing, a true miracle. love you guys.
Dani, Mark, Ian, And Brooke.
Glad things are going well. Lindsay sure does look pretty in pink.
Suzie you do a fabulous job of keeping all of us up to date on what is going on! So glad she continues to get bigger and stronger. She is darling, as are the boys!
Love to you and the rest of the family.
Nancy and Steve
Oh Yeah!! Go Blue!!! Their is my little princess getting into game form. She is so cute in her outfit!Utah is getting intimidated already. Love you Lindsay!
Uncle Dan
Hello all! Just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for all of you and hope that Cole's surgery is a success! I know he'll do well...he's a tough cookie!
Please keep Meredith in your prayers as well...the cancer has returned and is now in her back!
Healthy heart hugs, we miss you much!
Rebecca, Braeden, and Camden
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