I am going to start with the most exciting news first............Lindsay is crawling!!!!! WOOHOOO! What a joyous day this was when she started to do this last week!

So proud of herself!

She hasn't quite mastered multi-tasking yet.......talking and crawling at the same time. ;-)

A little preview to what Lindsay wore for her "Christmas" shoot ;-) I'm sure Patti will have a sneak peak for us very soon! Mandy.........My Mom made a pillowcase dress for her.....soooo cute! I can't wait for you to see it!

Cole and his buddies Garrett and Jacob at their Thanksgiving concert. Handsome lads.......

Look at 'em go! So cute! Sad, but true, the whole time I was watching my adorable son sing his heart out, I was thinking....."Oh my god, there are allot of germs floating around in here. I hope this ends soon!" Yes, the thoughts of a heart mom I guess. ;-) Lindsay was safe in the arms of Elaine at home......and away from the germs!

Lindsay at her 1st Holiday parade! It was an absolutely beautiful Michigan day and totally unseasonal weather for sure. We were able to walk around downtown and chat with some friends that we ran into without worrying if the kids were freezing or not. That was a great day for sure!

The boys were thrilled with this balloon! Lindsay couldn't quite figure it out but she ended up smiling at it. ;-)
I hope you enjoyed my little "catch up" post. I have been so busy catching up on bookwork for the business that took a backseat from January until August.......I wonder why?! Anyway, I'm almost caught up and when I had the thought of updating and sharing cute little stories with you, I would look at the clock and it is 1 or even 2 in the morning! NEED SLEEP!!!!!! I promise, the next post won't be three weeks away. I'm planning even another in the next day or two.......we have ALLOT to be thankful for this year!
Love to you all~
Thanks for the update I was checking on you guys everyday.Glad everything is good......
it is so good to read posts about wonderful, everyday events! And I have to say: you have great taste in little girl clothes: My little girl has almost every outfit that we've seen Lindsay in!
I've been reading your blog for awhile now and haven't commented yet. So..."hello"! I found it through Owen's blog. My son has HRHS. I completely understand what you mean when you said you were nervous about all the germs floating around at the school concert. I would have been nervous too. I'm glad as heart moms we have each other to understand these thoughts we have.
Thrilled that Lindsay is crawling and glad you got to enjoy the parade. (I was in the very first Kalamazoo Thanksgiving parade with the Comstock band many, many moons ago.) Cole looked really spiffy at his concert. I'm very happy things are going well.
Cousin Nancy
So cute....
and proud as she should be. That bundle of cuteness has come a LONG way. Way to go.
God Bless.
Wow I can not believe she is crawling??!!!! That is such great news. The parade looked like fun and I also have the same thoughts when I enter the J triplets school. Oh to be a heart mom!! LOL Thanks for the update. Heart Hugs, Love, and Blessings, Jessica
YAY for crawling! What a proud momma you must be! Thanks for the update!
I love the pictures! I just can't get enough of them! She is so adorable!
Woo Hoo... look at her go! :-) Thanks for posting pictures from the concert. This mother-of-the-year forgot my camera :-( Luckily I see a handsome boy in a blue plaid shirt in one of your pictures :-)
What wonderful news! She's on the move now - watch out! We all have a lot to be Thankful for! God Bless all of you and have a Wonderful, Blessed "Giving" Thanks Day! Hugs! Sara D
I can't help but smile when I see pictures of your little Lindsay! She is just too cute! Happy to hear she's crawling...what an accomplishment!! :)
Yay for a new post - Ive been itching to see some Lindsay pics!
Can TOTALLY relate to the germs, germs everywhere feeling. My mother in law took Evie to see Santa today at the Mall. When my husband brought her home, my first question was "did mom sanitize her?"
CANT WAIT to see what you had made for her photo shoot!! Am sure she was darling! Hugs to you all in this season of giving thanks!
Look at that little tooshie in the air?!?!?! She has got it, doesn't she? AMAZING!
Love the parade pictures, too! You are too funny about it not freezing and your children are in heavy jackets! I guess it's all relative though...this weather lately (since end of last week the highs have been in the 60s) has got me down! I just don't function well in the cold! Another way you amaze me, friend!
ALL of our love to you & your beautiful family!!!
SO VERY THANKFUL for Lindsay and the gift she is to all of us!
Love you~ Rebecca
Hooray for LIndsay!!!! Love the pics of her crawling...you go little girl!
Can't wait to see her pictures for Christmas....I'm sure they'll be perfect as they always are!
I love watching little kids during their school performances....such wonderful memories!
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