Lindsay just loved snuggling with Kyle during our visit on Thursday.

Before I left to come back to A2 on Thursday, this is what Cruz looked like about 10 minutes before I wanted to leave.............oh, and Lindsay's room had blue marker all over the WHITE walls along with her furniture and some of the bedding. The blue was obviously on his face but he also managed to color the bottoms of his feet and the palms of his hands. Mom was really mad but thanking God that it was WASHABLE marker. I really want to kiss the person who invented washable markers!!!!!!!

If the look on her face doesn't look like a look her youngest brother would give..............WOW do they look alike! Minus the dark hair........

Spending time with my Aunt Marva. She was so happy to get to hold me this time around. I miss you already! Come back soon!

Aunt Carole and Uncle Robb are always all smiles when they hold me! Have fun in Florida!
I forgot to mention in the last post that Lindsay has also started 26 cal formula. She was at 24 cal and the doctors want to start beefing her up a little to prepare for transplant as best as possible. So far so good. It was so nice to see Lindsay tonight. 2 nights away is too many!!!! The reason for being away was incredible though. We are still overwhelmed by all of the support from our family, friends, and our community. Saturday was a HUGE success and we were so glad that Lindsay was behaving in A2 so that we could be there as well. We are so lucky to have each and every one of you in our lives! Blessed.
Heart blessings~
She looks so precious in every single picture!! We're always thinking of your guys and can't wait to check Lindsay's blog one day and see "SHE GOT HER HEART!!"
I'm anxious to see if the cellcept works... we won't finish up labs on Owen until March 5th.. then we'll see if there's been progress.
Praying for your girl and I"m glad that the "sweetheart" dinner was a success!
Im glad that everything went well at the dinner. Miss Lindsay looks radient as always. You are always in our thoughts and prayers and hopefully we will both be walking into our homes soon with our little angels in our hands. Prayers for you heart sister from your heart brother Miguel and family.
Don't you just love markers. You have an aspiring artist...I have one too. It just doesn't happen at the right times. Glad you got a picture. That always helped me get over the frustration and anger part knowing that one day I'd laugh about it.
Lindsay is beautiful! Looks like she's a social one too!;-) Thanks for updating so I can stop worrying! Enjoy some spring weather for me.
So-o-o-o thankful for this Blog as we can see what's happening at your end! Did you know that many, many years ago your Grandma Lumbard made those pillows that Cole used at the crowning ceremony? Amazing to see they are still being used!! Love you all/AuntC and UncleRoc
I finally figured out how to leave comments on these blog sites and...Oh my goodness! Little Lindsay looks so adorable with her special bow in! I love it and thanks for sharing the picture!
February isn't over yet and we're still praying for her miracle heart to come...THIS month!
I hope you and the Princess have a great week!
Hey little friend,
The pictures are adorable, but I wouldnt expect any differently. She just gets sweeter by the day. Did Lindsay and her brothers receive a little valentine package from our family? I was worried perhaps I mailed it too late???
So glad to hear the dinner was such a success and anxiously awaiting pictures of the event!
Love to you
Hey little friend,
The pictures are adorable, but I wouldnt expect any differently. She just gets sweeter by the day. Did Lindsay and her brothers receive a little valentine package from our family? I was worried perhaps I mailed it too late???
So glad to hear the dinner was such a success and anxiously awaiting pictures of the event!
Love to you
You gotta love those markers! Cruz is a kid after my own heart! Let me tell you, it's been worse for us... Joseph took a rubber stamp (about 40 times) to a WHITE FLAT PAINT wall that we never got off, among other things.
Cole looks so handsome in his tux! What a heartbreaker!
I'm glad to hear the Valentine dinner was a success, and hope you had a chance to catch up with some friends back home. We'll pray that the CellCept and Rituxin do their job, and that Lindsay's new heart comes soon!
Say "hi" to Jim and Shelley... I know Olivia's surgery is coming up soon.
Ok, I tried sending this email to you and it returned, so I'll just post it instead. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the picture of her and that cute hairbow/band! She is just so darn precious. Here's the email Suzie... take care!!!
Hey Suzie,
How are you doing? I've been thinking of you lots and just wanted to let you know you've been on my heart. Lindsay is always in my prayers and that angel heart has got to be on its way. Sounds like she's doing good and being patient! What a good little girl. I always get so excited to see that you've updated. It's always the top of my list to check on the princess!!! Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and let you know we're thinking of you! Hang in there, I don't know how you've done this. I can empathize with you so well with having our boys the same age, same birth order, and then our special sweetheart girls, plus living a ways from the hospital...we're 3 hours from Seattle. I admire you so much and just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!!! Sending hugs to you my friend! Hang in there and have a great weekend!!!
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