Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Go Tommy Go!!!!!

Well, I slept in a little at the RMH today and then did some work and ran some errands for the birthday party coming up before I headed to the hospital to see the princess. While I was working, I thought in my mind when I heard the noise, man, the helicopter is landing awfully close today. And then I went about my business. Later after lunch time, I arrived here at the hospital. Lindsay was sleeping and Margarite wanted to take me around and show me how to get into the conference room on Saturday and Sunday to get prepared for the party. After that, I came back and fed Lindsay and we were just rocking in the chair spending quality time together. One of the other heart moms in the room said, "Suzie, have you talked to Colleen?" I said, "No. Why?" Jessica said, "Have you read his carepage?" (I have Tommy's carepage linked to the blog) (ME) "Not today, but I did last night, why?" Jessica, "He is getting his heart right now!!!" As you can imagine, I was completely overjoyed with the news and mad at the same time that the nurses let me go almost a whole hour without telling me!!!! (hee hee) Yeah, Yeah, HIPAA shmipa! So, needless to say, I burped my baby, laid her down to play, and went right over to the ICU waiting room to hug Colleen and her husband. She proceeded to tell me about "the call" at 1:30 his morning and that they had to be here at the hospital at 8:30 or so this morning. The other story that she shared with me was that Tommy wanted to see Lindsay in the worst way before surgery. The first attempt, Lindsay was sleeping. Then before Tom was supposed to go back to the operating room to get his new heart, Lindsay was awake but Tommy needed to go then and there to the operating room. This little boy just amazes me. He wanted to see Lindsay before his surgery. (You can see at picture of Tommy and Lindsay under my posting for May 12th)Talk about pulling at the heart strings!!!!! He was reassured that he could see her after his surgery was over. I can't wait for that. As of right now, the new heart is in, beating fine, and they are working on getting him off of bypass. Please pray for the Shomaker's and pray that Tommy gets off bypass fine and just sails through and recovers swiftly! We love you Tommy! Go Tommy Go! I think a special angel had a hand in this..........We miss you Ethan!
Heart Blessings on this very exciting day!
Love, Suzie

PS Don't things like this happen in three's???? Sofi....Tommy...........Lindsay??? Let's hope so!


The Simmons Family said...

Great things happen in 3's for sure!! Lindsay's heart is coming... it is.. soon I pray.

Elaine said...

I am so emotional to read this, I have chills! I just read Tommy's page, and left a message...but you have newer news! What an awesome sentence: "Tommy's heart is in and beating fine"...just amazing news. Lindsay's Prayer Warriors will be praying non-stop for Tommy! I can just see him, asking to see is so precious, I can hardly stand it. Oh how these heart babies/kids tug at our hearts...could we possibly love them anymore?

Thanks so much for your post, Suzie...we love you and know this is extra stressful for you, many emotions. We will pray for this happening in threes!

Love, Elaine

Jessica Twigg said...

I would have told you earlier if I would have known you did not know. Glad I can share this joy with you today! Lindsay amazes me and we are praying that it is her turn next. Love you guys!

Michelle said...

Yes, of course they happen in 3's! But I'm going to be there when it happens for the Princess. Many prayers are coming up for Lindsay and Tommy!


Maggie Geiger said...

God is Good! We will be praying for Tommy & as always, Lindsay's new heart!

Anonymous said...

As we rejoice for Tommy tonight...we continue to pray for Lindsay's perfect heart to come soon. So sweet...that he wanted to see Linday before his surgery :)

Heart hugs,
Stephanie and Braeden(HLHS)

Stephanie said...

Oh incredibly sweet that Lindsay is who he wanted to see :) That brought tears to my eyes!

And for your ps.....I pray it happens in 3s....It's gotta be soon...she's ready! Praying!

Stephanie Winter said...

We are praying for Tommy and for you guys. So sweet! love the pictures (and bow!) love,

Anonymous said...


Yes, we hope Lindsay is next. We are glad we got to you guys on Tuesday. Stay strong and believe. Brittney checks on Lindsay daily and really looks forward to visiting her when we get to UM.

The Butchers CP: BrittneyButcher

Tiffany Lockette said...

Great things do happen in 3's. If I could I would give Lindsay my heart!! She is beautiful and her pictures are beautiful. Hang in there Mom, if Lindsay continues to fight so should you. Never lose faith. You have all of us blog friends to pray for you and follow your story. I will pray for Tommy to get well and no complications. Please let his parents know he has my prayers!! Peace, Love and Happiness to you all.