A little surprise for Lindsay from desk clerk Leslie.

And so was this!

I will just tell you that she looks fabulous! She is still a little out of it because of still being on a little morphine but hopefully tomorrow that will be removed after the other two chest tubes come out. Also, think her arterial line will be removed as well. JR was holding her tonight and from a laying down position, she sat right up! We couldn't believe it. It only lasted a few seconds and then she folded right back into Daddy's arms. She is all over having her
pacifier in her mouth and we even got a few waves from her today too. Oh, and Daddy got a little smile.;-) So sweet. So, another exciting day tomorrow and then maybe back to moderate care or the floor by Wednesday or Thursday! Can you believe that???
A very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lindsay's heart sister, Carlee, and to a very special heart mom friend of mine, Rebecca Butcher.
Heart Blessings~
Are you sure this little girl had a Heart Transplant less than a week ago??? No seriously she looks amazing...God is so good.
Keep up the good work Lindsay, you are amazing.
Still praying in Toronto
What a blessing the princess is! Nice to see you both holding her. We continue with our prayers and Lindsay you keep getting better Love to you all Aunt Retta & Mary
WOW is all I can say...so amazing. I pray for Lindsay everyday. She is such a fighter! This makes 6 OHS's for her in less than a year I believe. She is an awesome inspiration, and so are you! You and your husband are AMAZING heart parents!
GOD BLESS! So excited that Lindsay will get a little belated birthday party at HOME!!
She looks fabulous! I will continue to pray for her recovery and no rejection!
I fell asleep and half woke up with a burning desire to come and check on the princess... and I'm too tired to be very coherent, but I just wanted to say... Amen! She is gorgeous and yes, she is a living testament to the power of prayer, patience, faith, and down-right determination! These pictures are just about the best thing I've seen in a long, long time! I'm just so happy for you all that I don't even know how to put it into words! Goodnight, and I'll look forward to more good news and beautiful pictures tomorrow! Lots of love... Danielle
How exciting for you guys! She really doesn't look like she just had a major surgery last wk., does she? Little Princess is looking just beautiful! Hope and praying she continues the amazing recovery she's having.
love and prayers, Don and Brenda
Wow, what a fabulous way to end my day...with pictures of the Princess in Mommy's and Daddy's arms! (I do see some "morphine eyes" in that shot with Mom, ha ha.)
And the binky... you know if she's sucking the binky that she has her priorities straight and is well down that road to recovery!
She's an absolute miracle, and we'll keep those prayers coming!
Much love,
Lindsay looks wonderful!I have been following your blog for about a week or so.I've been keeping up with it alot longer than that,I just didn't have a personal blog of my own.I just want to say that I have been praying for her,and I am so happy to here that she is doing so great.Ain't God Good!!How precious was the Happy Birthday on the window,it must be amazing to see the love that the nurses and staff have for Lindsay!I am continuing to pray for Lindsay,and believeing in Jesus name that she is just gonna continue to amaze us!God Bless lots of love from Alabama!
Pictures brought tears to my eyes. Absolutely amazing. She looks like the princess she is and you and JR look great too considering the week you have had. Hugs n kisses!!
What a miracle!! I cannot believe how good she looks. You are being watched over by angels there is no doubt in my mind.
YES! Does she ever look fantastic in your arms! ALl pink in under a week! Darling little fighter. Prayers will never end for Princess Lindsay! God Bless.
Owen's Gamma Vicki
What a great way to wake up... and see her in her Mommy and Daddy's arms! Everyone needs a good cry to start the day, right?? Amaizing!!
We will constantly pray for her... our prayer is for no rejection and safe and swift healing! What a fighter she is! She may be a Princess, but she has 2 big brothers and is one tough cookie, too!!
My two little Doctor's sons wanted to know what they did with her other heart. William wishes he could see it. Garrett thinks they are looking at it in a lab to check it out. Both were very worried about her stitches... (as if that is her only pain!).
Praying for a wonderful week!!! Happy early birthday Princess!!!
steph, Dr. Bob, Dr. Garrett, Dr. William and Maggie
Okay, first off, WOW! Lindsay looks amazing! She is just adorable in your and JR's arms! What a BLESSING!
Secondly, I just adore the surprise from the clerks/nurses! That is so special! They definitely have some hidden talents around there...goodness knows that I am no picasso!
Praying for another beautiful day!!!
Love you~ Rebecca
It is so Wonderful to see her in your arms again! I bet that was just the ultimate feeling! She will continue to be in our Prayers and hopefully will be home soon with her cute brothers! God Bless all of you! Sara Dziewicki
Amazing! that's all I can say... AMAZING!
Wow! She looks amazing! I tell ya she's not wasting any time :) Those pictures speak volumes!
Keep it up, sweetheart! It appears as though your stalkers aren't the only ones who love you. What a nice thing the staff did for her :-) Awesome to see you guys be able to hold her again. She looks wonderful!
She looks amazing!! What an amazing little girl with wonderful parents and brothers!! I loe her pink sheets and the Happy Birthday from the nurses!
The prays will continue!!
The pictures just melt your heart, don't they?!?! We are so happy that Lindsay is doing so well and you will all finally be home.
Take Care!
Cheryl, Craig, Clayton and Gracie
no weaning off the PRINCESS, as one blogger said, that is her name for LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW! She looks so great! What an amazing Miracle that God provided to Lindsay! I cannot express how great it feels (even for a stranger) that Lindsay is doing so well. I believe with all my heart and soul that all of our prayers have been heard and that Lindsay has been given a second chance to have such a wonderful life.
I cannot believe that they are already thinking of moving her to moderate care. That is just Amazing!
I am sooooooo soooooo happy for you guys!
PS...Love the pictures.
She is ABSOLUTELY beautiful! :-) :-)
The PRINCESS looks great!!! I can't believe how quick most of the tubes and lines came off her. Enjoy cuddling her up close now. She's earned the title of Princess!
The princess looks absolutely amazing. How precious that you both got to hold her. I bet you will cherish that particular moment above all. She is such a cutie pie. What a little trooper she is. Please tell her I am so very proud of her. I know I am a complete stranger to you but I feel like I know you guys already. What a special surprise from her nurse. How awesome of her to put up the decorations for your little princess. Happy Birthday Lindsay...you are a true gift from God.
Your little Princess is amazing!!! She looks absolutely perfect!!!
still sending love and prayers
big hugs from the Snyder's
Once again, proof that we serve an amazing God. So happy to see her up and around, and it was great to see the Channel 3 story. Blessings to you all!
Wow.. I got chills seeing these pictures. She is just such a fighter and doing so well. She has made everyone so so proud of her.
The pictures say it all!! Lindsay looks absolutley amazing. As for her Princess status, We can also caller her a fighter, couragous, strong, determined, and of course... LOVED!!! Remember always that we all love you Lindsay! As always, the prayers for continued health & healing continue.
The Geigers
This little girl has me in amazement all the time! She looks amazing and i cant help think how awesome it is that she has touched and changed so many people and she doesnt even talk yet!! I have so many people praying for all of you because they feel so amazed by her too! We pray everyday and I wake up each day ready to check this and see the progress she makes! I love you all and i cant wait to come visit again and maybe even get to hold her this time!! Lindsay you are one amazing little girl! Keep it up princess!
<3 Erin VanBogelen
Came over from the MckMama Blog Frog community... praying for your Princess -- she's beautiful, and such a fighter. Warrior Princess, perhaps!?
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