Normal numbers!

What a trooper! All of her drips are on very minimal settings and the vent setting is already down to 60 from 100.

The nurses (and doctors!) just LOVE her!!!!


MORE PINK. What better color for a princess!
Needless to say she looks incredible! We are back at the RMH and going to bed. Nighty Night!
Love, Suzie
What beautiful numbers and she's perfectly pretty in pink!!!!
Continued prayers are with you all!!
We are so happy for you and your family! Lindsay is definitley as high maintenance as you've alway said! She just had to keep waiting for that PERFECT heart! The wait is over, the heart is in and will only help complete Lindsay's journey! We are so proud of you for the strength you maintain. Our thoughts continue to be with you!
Jill, Travis & Reagan
Congratulations!!!! What a wonderful gift!! I don't know you but your girl has touched my heart. I want this heart to take so wonderful so she can live the way Gracie Girl wasn't able to. Lindsay I think Gracie Girl is cheering you on from up above.
Yeah!!!! I can't believe how incredible she looks!!! So Pink!!! Our favorite color!!!!! The fourth graders keep asking me for updates so we put Lindsay's blog up on the big screen and just keep hitting refresh. It couldn't be a better day. Praise the Lord!
Love, Alison
Wow her color is just beautiful! She looks great considering surgery... We are so happy for you guys, Suzie! Continued prayers forever for Lindsay!
Oh Suzie & Jr!!! She looks so wonderful!!! That's one amazing little girl you have!! Can't wait to be with you all!!! Sending lots of love & continued prayers!!
We love you!!
Suzan, Ken & Zach
Pink and a bow to boot! A princess in every way!
Sweetest dreams to all of you!
Seeing the pictures of Lindsay bring tears of joy for you guys. Wonderful color she has!
The Martin Family
God is so GOOD!!! Praying for Lindsay and you guys too!! Thanks for the updates!!! :) This made my day!!!
Wow...amazing! Rejoicing with your family today!
~Stephanie and Braeden(HLHS)
Sleep well with wonderful dreams of a long future with your daughter. Recover your bodies and spirits as your princess sleeps to recover also. This is a beautiful story of unconditional love and triumph. What a team of family, friends, bloggers and medical personnel can do together and bring a miracle. My thoughts are also with the donor family. May they feel some peace and solace in their ultimate selfless act of choosing to share life in their time of tragedy.
Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us. Perhaps it will help others to truly understand what really is important in life as they go through their daily activities.
From a friend of Kyle
Pink - the most beautiful color for the most beautiful little girl. Tears of joy are flowing. God continues to shower you with his blessings. We love you all.
The Sallees and The Nevilles
Wow wow wow!! Love those numbers!Isn't it amazing how they look so wonderful despite all of the tubes?
I am so happy for you guys- she is such a miralce!!
Now she just has to heal and you are all OUT OF THERE! So so happy. Way to go miss Lindsay!!
I have no words!! I have been praying for you since the day you were born! (To Grandma Linda- I am absolutely estatic for you and your family!! I'm happy that I learned it was you that I talked to in Walgreen's that day! I'm glad I could put a name to the prayers I sent up!) I can imagine how your night went...I would wake up and look for each and every update!! I remember when my own daughter had had her repair done. When she was fixed, she was so rosey! What an awesome feeling!! Still praying and pulling for this special family!
And there is the princess in her bed, with normal numbers and A BOW!!! Well, of course...are you watching, Rebecca? The bows all started with you!
Suzie, JR, and Linda:
We are so unbelievably happy for you...sleep well, with sweet dreams of all of Lindsay's tomorrows...we will all dance together at Lindsay's wedding!
Love, Elaine and Bill
She looks so good!!! I can't believe it. What a great day. We are so happy for all of you.
She looks so good! And love the pink bow! I am so happy for you guys!!!!
Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL! Beautiful child, beautiful fingers and toes, beautiful vitals! Sleep deep and long. She is in good hands now. Just bought the boys Chicken McNuggets to help support the cause (ha, ha.)
Send more updates and pictures this afternoon!
This is fantastic! I know you don't know me, but I am so happy that your little girl is doing so well! She is amazing! What a beautiful little trooper!
as beautiful as ever....get some sleep--you deserve it!!
Lisa ---pod A
her color looks great!! so happy for the fantastic news!! I hope she continues to improve. our prayers are with you!!
Pink is my new favorite color! She looks beautiful. Sleep well you guys.
How wonderful! So glad she is pink!! Congratulations
BEAUTIFUL! She looks amazing!!!
Sleep tight, friend...
Love you so much~Rebecca
Pink has always been my favorite color . . . But today, these pictures show the most beautiful shade of pink I have ever seen!!!! Absolutely perfect!!!
JR and Suzie you have been so blessed with such a remarkable little girl . . . sweet dreams!!
sending love and big hugs
YAY! What a beautiful pink girl! My whole family is praying for your sweet princess! GO, LINDSAY, GO!!!
OH my goodness...even with all the tubes and wires I don't believe I've ever seen a prettier picture! Get some rest and I can't wait to see more pictures of the princess later on tonight :) Love to all of you!
What wonderful pics to see when I woke up this morning! Suzie, she looks absolutely awesome and pink really looks fabulous on her! Sats at 98...WOW, I can't believe it, only by God's grace and we're giving Him our thanks and praises today. Love and hugs to you all :)
Lindsay looks AMAZING! I am so happy for you guys. I can't wait to see pictures soon of Lindsay with her eyes open, smiling so beautiful. Congratulations!!!
Lindsey is so beautiful and we are so glad that her heart is in and she is doing so well. We have followed your blog for a long time and have said many, many prayers on your behalf. The Lord is wonderful and always in control!! Congratulations and the prayers will keep coming your way.
Once again, I'm typing through tears! I'm so overjoyed to SEE the Princess and she does look oh, so beautiful! What wonderful, amazing, miraculous results she seems to be having! Get some much needed rest and know that the prayers are not stopping... we've just added lots of prayers of thanksgiving to our continued petitions for her full recovery!
A beautiful pink princess...how awesome is that???
Still praying for you all from Toronto
I am so excited for you. I was reading Owen's blog and when I saw that Lindsay was getting her heart I rushed over. What a birthday present for her. Praying that all continues to go well.
Oh WOW!!!! Her color is so good and Awesome numbers. I am so happy!
Hope you get some sleep! I will be in constant prayer for you all.
Congrats!!! Lindsay on your new heart! You were so strong and so brave!
She looks absolutely fabulous (and pink). Love the bow and the sheets! Best wishes. . . I am in the hospital with my fourth child. He has HLHS and just had the Glenn. I marvel at what you have endured!
We are so thrilled!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Great numbers, Lindsay!!!
Rejoicing for you and your family. What a great day!
Rolf and Trish
Santa Barbara, CA
Parents of Rudy (HLHS)
Miracles don't happen everyday, but today was a miracle.
God bless you and your family.
Wendy, Elaine's cleaning lady. :)
happy, happy, happy......sleep tight!! hope to see you all soon!
happy birthday Lindsay
All our prayers have been answered...she looks GREAT!
Ann, Jeff, Evan and Finley Green
The best birthday wish ever! We are so happy, finally the wait is over. A new heart and a new beginning. What a journey this has been. I am so proud of you. We think of you and your family always. Good luck and keep fighting!
Love~Charlie, Sarah, Natalie, and Nathan
hey guys!! i have never been a fan of pink, but i have to say that lindsay's shade is beautiful!! you all are in our thoughts and our hearts. today is such a great day! congrats! congrats! congrats! hope that you can get some rest...keep us all posted. love you all....
the wesaw family
Looks like she could wear purple now, too!!! Hope you slept well! I had to take a nap, too!! So excited for you guys. So proud of everything you have done and still have to do. Bob said... my SAT's aren't even that high! Go girl!
Steph and Bob and kids
Congratulations!!! She looks great! We're praying for her recovery from surgery now. Such a beautiful little girl.
Suzie, JR, Cole & Cruz, What a beautiful day for all of you! The Miracle of Prayers for Lindsay! Now Praying for a smooth recovery and healing! You are all in my Thoughts and Prayers!! Sara Dziewicki
Absolutely gorgeous!!!! Love the pink hands and toesies! What a beauty!
Soooo pretty in pink! What a precious and blessed MIRACLE! Continued prayers going up! (((HUGS))) G'Ma~rella
What a perfectly pink princess.. I LOVE IT!! Can't stop praying for a quick recovery! :) We are so excited for you LINDSAY!!
Congratulations on Little Lindsays new heart!! I have been following your story and am so full of happiness for your family. You are all in my prayers!
Congratulations Dean family on such a great gift. Our love and prayers go out to your family, God Bless little Lindsay.
The Green family,
Lisa, Ryan and Bret
We've followed Lindsay's story and are so happy that this day has come! We'll keep you all in our prayers for a quick recovery from the surgery and many good days ahead!
Tom, Kristen and Ella Perso
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