Our Michigan Miracle!

Cruz thought he would try this bow on too. Don't tell Papa! ha ha

Breathtaking! In her own bed...........

Cole making Lindsay laugh......which brought tears to my eyes! Big shocker, I know! ha ha

Two peas in a pod my brother and I. ;-) Minus the nice sun tan.

All dressed up and I can't go anywhere! I just LOVE my outfit Sarah!

Sleeping Beauty.
Thank you for sharing pictures! Lindsay looks absolutely beautiful! Hope things are going smoothly at home for you guys!!
Love, The Martin Family
So sweet. I have just grwon to love your family. It blesses my heart. I lost my brother a few years back to an accident. It was up to my sister and I to donate or not. We did! I have never looked back on our decision. I pray for the familes that my brother had blessed and I have reached a few. Your story is just what I need to feel right now...thank you~
Answered prayers...
What cute pictures!! Look like she's doing quite well with her brothers to look after her. Love the bow on Cruz!
Thank you for letting us be a part of your family. A Michigan cheerleader in the making?
Amazing! What an Awesome God! So glad Lindsay is home and your family is complete.
Love the headband and bow. It'd be a good one to have for the football season!
Oh my goodness, could she get any cuter...I don't think so!! So great to see her home. You guys are very blessed!!
Beautiful, I love the pics of her sleeping in her own crib!
Pictures worth a thousand words! Love them! Thank you soooo much for sharing. To take time out of your busy life to share these with us - we are so Thankful! Sara D
Thank you for letting me peek into your lives for a minute. I am in love with your little miracle girl. What a blessing!
The pictures of her sleeping in her own bed are so simple and yet they really are "breathtaking"....
I'm so happy for your family and so pleased to be a part of your journey.
Jamie Corona
What an absolute miracle!!!!
Where did you get her princess chair from in her room? I love it...I've got to find one for Allie..too cute!
That picture of Cruz with the bow will be perfect when he brings his girlfriend over for the first time :)
She is the cutest baby girl EVER!!!! I am so happy for her to be enjoying regular life. YEAH!
Lindsay's Texas Fan Club
PRECIOUS!!! I just LOVE those pictures! (And, Cruz is hysterical in that bow! What a pretty girl he would make! :)) Trust me, I have tried many a bow on Wyatt, too. Scott (as I am sure JR is the same) was mortified but it was fun! Wyatt refuses to put one on now and prefers to put them on his stuffed animal alligator, Sweetie...who is currently wearing a red bow with white hearts on it! She got toted along to the bowling alley this morning but had to stay in the van...I refuse to haul around a 3 foot long stuffed alligator!
Giving THANKS for your family being together at HOME!!!
Love you~ Rebecca
The princess looks so at home in her castle! Love seeing pics of her doting big brothers with her. Welcome home!
Beautiful pictures! It is so incredibly wonderful to see her at home with your family. Congratulations! And Welcome home Lindsay!
You took the words right out of my mouth, Suz...BREATHTAKING!! Seeing her in her pretty room, in her own bed, sleeping on her polka dotted sheets...like any other baby...so special. Even Bill shed a few this AM while we were looking at the pictures...
We LOVE you!! :)
May you never get tired of seeing Lindsay in her own bed!! Given our common experience, that's our favorite picture of the bunch!
Rolf and Trish (parents of Rudy--HLHS)
Santa Barbara, CA
So happy for all of you-praying things continue to go so well for you and your beautiful "Princess".
At least Cruz didn't choose one of the pink frilly bows ;-) Thank you so much for sharing these pictures. She looks amazing!
Lots of love,
Aimee & family
Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to keep us all up-dated on Lindsay and the boys. Your children have such pretty blue eyes.
Looks like Lindsay is making good progress. That comes from a loving God and family.
Love and hugs to all your family~~~~
I love the pics! They look so happy to have their sister home. She looks great. How wonderful to see her in her own bed instead of the hospital!! It is so nice to see her finally at home. I love the bow on Cruz. Definitely something you need to keep for blackmail later. :)
So glad to see her doing so well! Keep it up princess!!
Sarah (pierce) Holderbaum
What a joy to see the Princess in her own crib. I'm so glad she is finally in her beautiful nursery!
Sandy Sellers and family
Love the pictures!!! I am so happy that she is home now! She is so sweet!
It is so sweet to see Lindsay with her brothers, and the smiles they share with one another. Beautiful children! Cruz could have easily been mistaken for a girl, in that bow. To cute. Loved the pictures of the princess sleeping so peacefully, without wires and machines, and in such a beautiful room (brought a few tears). Thank you for letting all of us be a part of your family.
God Bless!!!
(Lindsey's) Mom-Mom in NJ
LOVE,LOVE,LOVE all the pictures!!Thanks so much for sharing-even though I know you must be really busy. Suzie, the Princess' room is darling. She sure looks like she is enjoying being home.
Love to all..The Jewett's
It's just wonderful seeing Lindsay at home where you all belong.
Thank you God,
Chris Babiasz
What wonderful pictures! I love seeing the Princess in her OWN bed with NO wires or tubes! What an amazing thing to celebrate... simply sleeping in her own bed! And the picture with brother in the bow is halarious! My Noah has done that before... much to my husbands' dismay :)
I'm not sure if you are checking email now, but I wanted to let you know I just sent you one with some questions regarding fundraising. Hope you get it!
Anyway, thanks for the updates... I check daily for pics and news on the princess!
Love to you...
I've always loved pictures of sleeping babies (that is a normal and natural sleep and not a drug induced one). Linsay is so beautiful in her room set up just for her. My oldest commented on how pretty the curtains are. We're thanking God with you for your family/together time now.
Oh I just love seeing these pictures from HOME! She looks so healthy and happy! Her brothers just dote over her and her room is beautiful! I can only imagine the happiness you must feel having her with you all of the time again.
Thanks for sharing your family with us! It blesses my heart as well just being able to pray for you all and read about your story. She is such a miracle!
How fabulous........so many "new" things for this little one who has faced so much. Now, joy and happiness at each exciting new step! Can't imagine your exhaustion or feelings but supporting you all the way.
Let the sibling squabbling begin!!
p.s. so many old time twirlers sending their prayers and hugs to you from Nationals
We are so happy for you!
She looks wonderful. I am so happy you are home and everyone is doing well. Continued prayers.
Thanks for sharing the pics. Lindsay is even more beautiful at home where she belongs!
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