To our daughter~
Daddy and I couldn't be happier to have you HOME for your birthday this year! We have quite the celebration planned for you and I just cannot wait to show you off to all of those who have prayed for our family and who have prayed for you to receive the greatest gift of all, your gift of life! This time last year, we were celebrating with you in your crib and you were still recovering from getting your new heart. You looked absolutely fabulous that day! When we arrived to your room, Megan had decorated your room with streamers and a very special sign to ask before you enter the princess' castle. ;-) You were so spoiled there! Throughout the day, you had lots of visitors that would just look at you with complete amazement in their eyes of how well you looked! God gave you the chance to live and He did it well with the most perfect gift for your 1st Birthday. Early presents are always the best! Sharon had baked two large cakes to share with the nurses and doctors on the floor and in POD A. She even baked a small one just for you! That evening was even sweeter. For the very first time since you had been admitted in September of '08, Bethany FINALLY got the chance to take care of you. What a day to get her! We were all thrilled and decided to let you dig into your cake! You did so well and then after a while, it got to be a little much since you had never tasted such a thing. I think you got a sugar headache! We cleaned you up and then you took a well deserved nap. But, NOT before you got a special visit from Tommy! He was still a little week but his mommy and Margaret came down to see you. He was determined to see you that day. Well, he did it and was so proud! Love you, Tommy! I will always remember these sweet memories and look forward to sharing with you every detail in the future when you start to ask questions.
Happy 2nd Birthday Princess!
We love you forever!
Love, Mommy and Daddy
Happy Birthday, Lindsay Lou! We love you so much and celebrate this beautiful day that God gave you to us all! (and especially to your sweet Momma and Daddy!)
Praying beautiful blessings for the Princess's birthday!!!
Love you!
Happy Birthday you little miracle!!! I am just so amazed at how much of a difference this year has made for you! I love you and I don't even know you!
God Bless you sweet girl!
PS Lindsey's eyes look great! Is her vision back to normal???
Happy 2nd Birthday Princess Lindsay!! So glad to see how well you are doing! Enjoy your celebration!
Gramma TJC
Madi's Gramma
I wasn't done... Owen demanded attention...
Happy 2nd Birthday Lindsay! You continue to amaze us and we are so proud of you! Have the best birthday ever!!
Happy Birthday Lindsay! We wish we could come and meet you for the big celebration. Maybe next year :)
You are amazing!!!!
Much love,
The Meekers
Love the pictures! Reading your description of last year...tears! How amazing. Something that I will never forget. Wish Nicholas had been so lucky. Happy (belated) Birthday! And heart anniversary! Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Heart hugs,
Jenni, Eric, Joshua and Ali Black
CP: Joshuaspage *HLHS*
Happy, Happy 2nd Birthday Princess Lindsay!!!!
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