Our Gift From God! We are blessed with every day that we have our sweet princess. Thought I would share with you some new shots of her from our little session today. Thank you Auntie Becca for the most adorable smocked dress! It looks fantastic on her!
I will share with you in another post with Lindsay's latest "firsts" . God continues to bless our family every single day. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! I know we are!
Heart Blessings~
LOVE it even more on her! It just screamed "LINDSAY" to me!
Funny...Lindsay very closely resembles Luke in the crying picture...hmmmm? :)
Can't wait to chat soon! (I've lost my voice so that's why I haven't called you back yet. Wyatt is loving it!)
Love you, friend~ Rebecca
Great Pictures and I LOVE the dress!!!!
She is the cutest girly girl EVER! The dress is adorable!!!!!We love the smocked dresses here in the South :) Printing the pictures for our Lindsay prayer board.
Love you Lindsay!
The Meekers
OMG...LOVE THE DRESS!!!!! Rebecca...it is just perfect!
Suzie...the pictures are among your best...and you know I am a huge fan. The crying one is just priceless...
Thanks for the long talk yesterday...it's pretty special to have an in-town daughter.
Love you to pieces, Elaine
Those pictures are pricelss..especially the crying one!!
Yep, I'm with Mom and everyone else - that crying pic is THE BEST!
Now, just make sure you save up for the shrink's bill that's coming...
Shrink: "So. Tell me about your mother."
Lindsay: "This one time, I was two, and I was crying really hard... and my mom just stood there taking pictures!! Waahhhh!!!"
Shrink: "Hmm. Interesting. Do you have this picture?"
(Lindsay shows him the picture; Shrink laughs so hard he pees himself.)
Shrink: "Well, Lindsay, you know... that IS a great shot."
Lindsay: "Waaahhh!!!"
It was so nice to meet you at the waterpark Friday! And, it was great to hear that Lindsay is doing so well - what a precious little gal she is! Even cuter in person. We will continue to pray for your family! -Sheryl
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