Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Update in Little Miss....

Due to multiple ear infections since last June, Lindsay's pediatrician has pulled the trigger and called U of M to have tubes put in her ears. This passed month has been awful and she has been on an antibiotic of some sort all month long! She goes through her ten day cycle on the med, off for a day or two, and then scream of pain in the middle of the night. Yep, infected again! Or it never went away! Poor thing! So, on March 8th we go to A2 for her next transplant clinic visit and pre-op for her surgery on the 9th. Yes, folks, she found something else that she hasn't experienced yet! By the time she's 20, she will have had every surgery known to man! lol
The dates actually worked pretty well. We will just stay the night on the 8th and won't have to worry about making the few trips back and forth. We also just found out that Lindsay's boyfriend ;-) , Tommy, has an appointment on the 8th as well and we will be able to have dinner and spend some time with them! So excited!
From a transplant stand point, she has been doing great! Anxious though to see what her echo and levels look like because she has been a bit "purple" in her lips and fingers. But, the good part is that it goes away every now and then so I'm not totally freaked out about it yet. She has been acting fine, minus the pain in her ears, and is speaking more and more words every day. She's growing up. Don't know how I feel about that yet ;-)

The above photos are of Lindsay eating her VERY nutritious breakfast. The stinker slipped a few treats in with her frosted flakes ;-) Hey, I think everyone is a sucker for Jelly Belly's! The other one is of Lindsay and Jen when we delivered those precious Valentine Baskets to the heart kiddos in POD A. They have a special bond that will never be broken. We love you, Jen!

Delivery for the heart....

in more ways than one! Valentine's Day has a whole new meaning now and here is why.........

My heart is full! Thank you to all that donated to this wonderful cause and a HUGE thank you to Hearts of Hope for making this possible as well. We are surrounded by so many wonderful people. We are blessed beyond belief!
Heart Blessings~

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Volkswagen Commercial: The Force

If you are football fans, then you certainly watched Sunday's Super Bowl! Little known fact that the commercials for the worldwide event are usually fantastic. Well, they certainly live up to expectations this year.......at least Volkswagen did! I'm sure you had to see it. Little Darth Vader trying to use his powers :-) Little did we know that the people at Volkswagen had the knowledge and awareness of what February was and hired a little boy with a CHD! To read his story, click here......http://www.wearechildrens.org/?p=1818.
Below is the commercial if you happened to miss it!

Monday, February 7, 2011

This week....

Today marks the beginning of Congenital Heart Defect Awareness week and we are celebrating by taking some incredible heart themed baskets to Mott tomorrow! It warms my heart so to be able to give this small gift to the parents of these special babies. I can't even begin to express what it means to me as we pass these out tomorrow. I don't know if it's just because of what week it is.......nope, it's because these kiddos are my heroes and I can only wish that I could be as strong as them. So, this post is short because I have allot of organizing and packing to do for tomorrow! Heart Hugs to all of you!

And of course, one more of the princess to tide you over ;-) She was trying to make a heart with her hands. Pretty good attempt, I think!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tis' the time.......

to raise awareness about American Heart Month and now the famous CHD awareness week (February 7-14). I have begun my quest to collect items for my goal of 40 Love from Lindsay baskets to deliver to Mott on February 8th. I have received so many donations for the baskets. Both items and monetary. We could still use both to make this happen, so if you would like to contribute to this ministry, you can do so by using PayPal to the right of this post (to sponsor a basket is $15), or if you have items to add to the baskets such as Valentine themed receiving blankets, pacifiers, pacifier holders, infant boy hats, infant (boy and girl) socks, or 6-8 inch stuffed Valentine animal, you can email me at utsuzie@gmail.com and I will get you the address to send your donation to. This ministry has really made a difference in a parents day, or week, and I am very thankful to all of you that have contributed. My hope is to keep this going for a VERY long time!

Princess News: The month of January has really been low key for the most part and have just stayed out of the cold trying to prevent any illness! Besides a runny nose and slight cough every now and then, she has been healthy......until Sunday night that is. If I hadn't posted it, Lindsay had another ear infection in November that required two doses of antibiotic to get rid of it. Prior to that, since June (on her birthday of all days!), she has two other that have required double dose antibiotics and a few other that just required one. In our visit to the pediatrician on Monday, we have made the decision that we have been trying to avoid.....Lindsay is getting tubes! The next question was answered today on where she would get them done......Ann Arbor. I'm ok with that. We meet with an ENT on February 8th (good timing to deliver baskets, too!!!)to determine how soon we can get this taken care. Poor girl Sunday night was SCREAMING ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!!! Felt so sorry for her. Even Motrin and Tylenol didn't take the edge off.
Other than that excitement, we have been good and staying afloat. I CAN"T WAIT 'TIL SPRING!!!!!!!!!! Getting a blizzard tonight GRRRRR so sick and tired of snow! I am officially in the "winter blues". On the bright side, the sun did make an appearance the other day! Miracles DO happen!! lol At the top of the blog, I posted a new picture of the princess playing in the snow....well, standing, but her version of playing in it! ha ha I have also included a picture of a few of the items that will appear in the Love from Lindsay Baskets for "heart" day/week. I cannot wait to make this delivery and show all of the families how much we care for them! Until next time.......