Cole called me tonight after his game and said that he had 3 home runs! ha ha Well, for those of you that know how t-ball works, everyone gets on base and the last batter ALWAYS hits a home run!! ha ha He is batter #1 so they must have hit in reverse order tonight. ;-) Too cute!
On a heavy note tonight, remember the photo that I posted last week of Lindsay visiting her two heart brothers that were in the hospital too.....Ethan and Tommy? Well, Ethan got to go home for one night and then was right back in the hospital on Sunday. He is suffering from an awful disease known as PLE, Protein-Losing Enteropathy. This occurs in 10% of kids that have had open heart surgery and research is still being done as to why this happens. Anyway, sadly, Ethan is loosing his fight and is in the PCTU right now. Things do not look good and I am afraid that his time is running out. I ran into Colleen, Tommy's mom, tonight and she shared the heart breaking news with me. I can't begin to tell you how frustrating this must be for them for Ethan to have gone through all that he has with HLHS and now this is what happens?? Do you remember around the time that Lindsay was born, my mom mentioned Taylor Grainger? Well, Taylor also lost her battle with PLE and was also born with HLHS. This past weekend was the 2 year anniversary of her passing. I know this because this is our wedding anniversary. ;-( Anyway, ever since Taylor passed, we have been a contributor to Children's Hearts Fund to help fund research to prevent and find the cure for PLE. Maybe that can be the donation you make for Lindsay's birthday......I know that it will be mine! http://www.childrenshearts.org/
To the Bilpo's: My heart can't ache enough for you right now. Ethan is a true fighter and will always be in our eyes. I know that God is holding you close and will comfort you in these days to come. Taylor will be right there welcoming Ethan, I know it! Sending hugs!
With Love and a heavy heart,
So sorry to hear about Ethan. I'll be keeping him and his family in my thoughts.
Glad Lindsay had a good day! love Coles phone call..Jacob had a tball game last night too...aren't they cute? He always wants to know who won...I just love that age!
My cousin had the same condition as your friend daughter Syndey and had open heart surgery at 1 week. He is now 6 and is a very active kid and has no lasting problems. Hopefully sydney will have the same results.
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