I just have to say that last Saturday was indeed and emotional and happy day for our family. Friday was spent getting ready for the big event by going and picking up all the supplies that were needed. Saturday morning, well, let's just say, I got up MUCH earlier than I normally do! I went to my dad's to help unload tables and chairs and to unload the keg of beer (which my husband was very happy about having!) and to visualize where we needed to put everything. Thank you to my dad and uncle Robb for all of their help with getting stuff together. They drove the day prior from Florida to be here for the party and I'm sure they were exhausted! Thanks also to Sue for everything she did. Cleaning out that barn was no easy task!

At the beginning of the party, Kyle was showing Lindsay one of her "operation" books. I think Lindsay thought she was reading to Kyle and Ashley. Too cute!

Anyone recognize this beautiful family? Well, I skipped a whole section of my morning with you. After helping (with what I could anyway) at my dad's, I had to call the pediatrician because the princess was just not herself still. She slept her whole birthday and prior to that, she had been up ALL NIGHT LONG!!!! She seemed to perk up a little the evening of her birthday but was still not the same on Saturday. So, off we go to get her checked out. I left to go get her at Cole's baseball game (JR had the kids there) , breathe......., and as I approached the field that they were playing on, I saw her. I saw Rebecca standing there and I just was in total disbelief (for about 2 seconds) and then here comes the "crying like a baby" moment!! Hands over mouth, warm feeling of "I don't know what to do and I don't care how many people are watching me" moment. It was unreal to even grasp that they came all this way just for our family! AMAZING!! Scott was right behind her with Luke and hugs were given all around. I didn't see Wyatt because the southern social butterfly that he is, he had already made some friends and had an intense game of soccer going on down the way. So, we then walked down to where everyone was standing and come to find out, my mom was the ONLY one who knew that they were coming! She had flown them here just for the party! That surprise couldn't have been better! Not to mention to find out that they were here until Monday so we were going to have some extra time to spend together! Well, we could only talk for a few minutes because after all, i was on the clock to get the princess to her appointment! ;-0 She ended up needing the steroid for her inflation again along with an antibiotic for an ear infection. Poor baby. However, as soon as I got the first dose of meds in her, she was like a new girl! YAY! After visiting with the doctor, getting scripts filled, and running a few more errands, we met the Butcher's at our house and then headed to the party. A pit stop was made, of course to see the new Luke. Mom and Rebecca headed to the Winter household to be able to meet them and their new addition. I met them there too. They had just arrived home with Luke so we didn't stay long. Another awesome surprise was my brother! Dan flew in, for one day only, just for the party! Thanks for coming, Dan!

Once at the party, Rebecca and Elaine FINALLY meet!!! I saw Elaine and Bill walking up the drive, asked Scott where Rebecca went, and then I turned around, and they found each other! Simply awesome for most of our blogging community and Lindsay Prayer Worriers to finally meet face to face. Amazing day!

Carlee and her family were in on the fun as well. Not to mention the biggest helpers EVER!!! A huge thank you to Ashley and Amanda for all of your help! We couldn't have done it without you and all your supplies! ha ha

Another special guest arrived. I know she looks familiar to you all because I spoke of her often while Lindsay was in the hospital. This is Mindy. One of Lindsay's personal nursing favs! So special to see her and her husband Michael show up to the party on their way to St. Joseph for their anniversary getaway. Mindy will always have a special place in our hearts for loving our daughter so much. A bond that will never be broken!

Meet Brittney! She is a U Of M heart transplant recipient and didn't want to miss out on all of the birthday fun! She, along with her dad and brother, came to the party. Jen (her mom), we missed you!!!!!! Brittney received her gift of life 6 months prior to Lindsay. You are looking at another miracle my friends.

Now if these aren't the cutest little bloomers! This is part of the present that Rebecca sent in the mail to Lindsay for her birthday. I think that was to throw me off! ha ha The onesie that she was wearing was just s simple Carter's onesie and I ironed on an applique that I found at Hobby Lobby. It reads "Miss June" in sparkles. PERFECT!!! Less was more that day because it was so stinkin' hot!!!

After all the pulled pork (super yummy!!!) and all the sides to go along with it (including the replicated salad that I made to resemble the salad that I liked so much from the U of M cafeteria. Sad, maybe. But, oh so good!!), it was time to sing to the princess! Tommy, Cruz, and daddy helped in the process. She didn't like the singing so much, but the cards that sang, BIG HIT!!!!
Sharon made another beautiful cake to honor all of those who prayed for and supported our family. It came out just perfect and was oh, so good!!!!

Perfect for a princess!!

Yes, Tommy and Colleen didn't miss out on the fun either! Tommy was a HUGE hit with the "Lindsay" community and we couldn't have been happier that they were able to come! Am I looking into the future? Seriously? Helping to feed her? Where did this kid come from? ha ha WE better not loose his number!!!

Another blogging meet and greet! Elaine, her husband Bill, and Brett Butcher finally meet as well. Just awesome!

Well, Sharon, the cake was a huge hit! Tommy, Cruz, and Michael (Brittney's brother) sure thought so!

Time to open presents! (even though the invitation said not too bring them! ha ha What was I thinking?!!) Like I said before, she loved the musical cards along with her new baby doll and her new Kai Lan night light ;-)

Since the Butcher's were here, why not take a few photos of their sweet babies?!!!

I especially like this one. The title should be, "Please, sweet Jesus, let my teeth come in soon."

The next day after the party, we headed out to Gun Lake for some fun in the ....shade! No sun, but that made for better fishing for the boys. And right off the dock for that matter! They had so much fun and fished for almost the entire time we were there. they came in to eat and took a break for a boat ride, but that was it! Fun stuff with awesome memories to boot!

Cole and Wyatt have become great friends. The leaving part for them was tough. They both cried and were wondering when they would see each other again. Is it because they have something in common with their sisters? Or is it because they share the name "Cole". (Wyatt's middle name and Rebecca's maiden name) Trust me, it gets creepier than that my friends! We were definitely destined to have our paths cross! Who knows because these two are connected!

We were special enough to witness and take Luke on his very first boat ride! Sorry about the pink life jacket buddy. If I only knew that you were coming! ha ha

Look at that cute little tooshie? Lindsay loves boat rides. She says,"weeeee" almost the entire time!

All in all, last weekend was one for the record books as being the most incredible, ever. Thank you to all that came and enjoyed it with us! Love from Lindsay Baskets has a HUGE start with all of your donations and can't wait to make my first delivery in July. All of your support continues to amaze us!
We love you all!
What an amazing story! We have prayed for all of these children!
Perfect, perfect, perfect. Looks like the surprise was pulled off flawlessly and the birthday party was fit for a queen. So flat to at last have some visuals! Thanks for the pictures!!!!
Oh Suzie... I loved reading every detail of this special day! What an amazing and wonderful surprise to have the Butcher's flown in to share in the celebration! I wish someone would've taken a picture of your face when you first saw Rebecca... I would loved to have seen that... tears and all!
As I told Rebecca, Lindsay's blog was the first blog I ever read. And as you know, I was drawn to her (and your family) in a special way. The other blog that I was drawn to was Rebecca's (I initially went to it because Michelle told me she had received an Annabelle Basket when they were in Michigan). I could never have known that the two of you had such a special connection! I have been inspired and encouraged by the journey you have shared. You are both such remarkable women... strong mother's whose faith serves as an example to us all. I'm so glad that you were able to rejoice in Lindsay's miracle with her family!
Thank you for sharing the details of Lindsay's birthday! When I first started praying for her, I was almost afraid to do so. I was almost afraid to believe that a miracle could happen for her. I'm so glad that fear didn't stop me from following her journey. If I had, I would've missed the MIRACLE!
Love to you and the 2 YEAR OLD princess!
I so understand what Danielle is saying. I too, struggled with praying for Lindsay. I mean, how do you pray for her to get a heart? How can you wish for another child to die so that Lindsay can live. I simply couldn't do that. I'm so lucky to have my friend Pam who I could talk to about this. It is with her help that I could channel my praying to pray that God would guide some grieving parents to make the right choice to keep their child's spirit alive through another child when theirs was taken from them. The Gift of Life! It is their selflessness that allowed us to celebrate Lindsay's birthday. We remember this with every beat of her heart and are grateful for everything she is able to do. It is done in Lindsay time, but we're grateful.
Linda (grandma)
Such a very, very special occasion. I hope miss princess had an absolutely magical day and I hope one day she realizes how many people's lives she has touched and how adored she is by so many. You all are just a beautiful family. I would love to one day meet all of you as well and hug that sweet baby girl's neck.
So glad the princess's birthday was such a wonderful success! She is just a doll. How fun to have the Butcher's come up and all of the other sweet heart friends too! I'm sure that made her day that much more special. Someday we'll have to meet...now we have room to have company!
Happy 2nd Birthday Lindsay girl!!!
Much love & hugs,
Katie, Maddie and family :)
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