More pictures of the princess. Enjoy!

I just love my new bouncy seat! I had a 3 1/2 hour nap in it yesterday!

Lindsay loves her rings. Even though she tries to eat them, they do provide good entertainment.

Well, I did start out lying in the center of the boppy pillow. I just really wanted to sleep on my tummy! So, over I went!

Thanks for my new toy Grandma "Fishy"! I love looking in the mirror and looking and waving at the pretty baby that stares back at me!

After my dose of Rituxin last week, I had to have a little oxygen to get my sats up a little. Over night I got better and was able to take off the cannula. I am sporting my new hair clippy from Danielle in Kansas. She is one of my prayer warriors and I just love my new things! Thank you!!!!
Lindsay has had another great day and is loved my all the doctors and nurses here. She definately gets alot of attention from them even if she isn't setting off the monitors! Thanks for praying for our little one and keep it up because He is listening and making it possible for us to enjoy a very happy baby!!
Love to you all!
Oh my gosh, don't do that to us! My heart leaped and dropped all within the same second! :-) Glad she had a great day. Can't wait to see the new pictures.
Trust me Aimee.......The title of that one wil be OUR HEART IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't mean to scare you....
She is adorable! I am praying for you all and especially that the PERFECT heart for Lindsey arrives soon!
Wow! She is so speacial sis! I hope I can get up there soon and see her.
Uncle Dan, Braeden, and Camden
Good Morning,
I think everytime we see another picture her hair grows more, must be all the vitamins. We love the new pictures and am glad she is so happy these day.
Thoughts and prayers everyday.
Love you all.
Steve and Tina
Oh my goodness, she is beautiful! I didn't think that she could get any cuter, but she has done it again!!! Continuing to pray for that beautiful new heart!
Dan,Maggie,Ben,& Alli
Such great pics of the Princess and her matching seat!!!!!!! Still praying!
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