Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Beautiful Day and New Milestones

What a beautiful day here in Ann Arbor! Still a little chilly, but I will take the sunshine! Lindsay has had a pretty good week once again and looks just as cute as ever. ;-)
Update on meds: Doctors have reduced her epogen shots from 2 times per week down to one (because her crit levels have been 49-50. Before the shots, it was hard to keep her above 35!), eliminated her sodium supplements in her feeds, and we have added colace to soften her stools a little. Poor little thing was working so hard to poop. Hopefully this will help things a little. This will be taken twice per day.
This weekend, the Dean's have a lot going on at home. I will leave here on Thursday to head home. Friday is "getting stuff done" day, Saturday is opening day of Little League for Cole (and it's supposed to be 80 degrees!!!!!), Sunday is working day for mom with a few meetings, and Monday,Cruz is seen once again at the ENT to get a check up on his neck. WHEW! Busy but so extremely excited about it FINALLY getting nice outside and hopefully staying that way! The nurses here said that they will try and get the princess outside if they can. ;-)
Enjoy the new pictures and see if you can guess her new "milestones".
(hint....there are two DIFFERENT ones!) And yes, we have to work on the princess "sitting like a lady" in a skirt! ha ha
Heart Blessings~


Anonymous said...

YAY for teefers!!!!!

I am thrilled to see her smiling and looking so pretty pretty princess as always! :0)

God bless!


ST said...

Teeth!!! Avery just cut her first two bottom teeth last week. I didn't even know until they had popped out!

Danielle @ Living Out Loud said...

I saw the teeth in her HUGE smile right away :) Cute as can be! Have a productive weekend and enjoy the nice weather (& wind!)!

The Pifer's said...

I found your blog through another, I hope it's ok if I follow you!

I am praying for you and your sweetie!!!!!

Lots of love, hugs and prayers-

Stephanie said...

I see an adorable little tooth coming in!!! Such a princess! Glad she's had a good week...praying for many many many more!!!

Hope you have a good weekend and get some rest! You deserve it :)

Elaine said...

I think the second milestone is she is sitting up just like a big I right?? No more Bumbo! She looks adorable pretty! Have a wonderful weekend with the boys...enjoy Little League!

Love, Elaine

Yes, she will need to sit like a lady, but not yet...LOVE the tiny skirt!

aimee gillespie said...

Good luck on sitting like a lady. Our little princess is 5 and we still have to remind her! Have a safe trip home and we'll probably see you all on Saturday! :-)

Lacy said...

Horray for teeth! And for crawling? or standing? I love following your blog and pray for little Lindsay and her future donor every night.

Trisha Visel said...

Getting teeth and sitting up all on her own!!! Wow the princess has been hard at work over there. Enjoy your wonderful warm weekend!!

The B Family said...

Is Miss Priss finally getting those Teefies to cut through???!!!

Okay, so I am guessing that the second is that she's sitting up on her own and trying to do a sideways roll along with it? Am I close?


I've got a date for us! I will call you soon!

Anonymous said...

She is adorable. We are praying for her regularly and have many friends and family doing the same. It is such a blessing to see you both outside! She needs the fresh air too! Hope to see you real soon. I will call.
Love Jody (The VanBogelen')