Monday, May 18, 2009

Party at my Castle!!!!

(click to view larger image)
Our precious little princess will be 1 year old on June 11th. Above is the invitation and all who are willing to drive a ways to see her are invited! (NOTE: party is on the 7th!!!) After a long discussion and thinking this through, JR and I have decided that although gifts are customary for a birthday party, we are going to break tradition this time around. So, in lieu of gifts, especially since Lindsay is very limited for space, we have decided to ask that you give in another way. Anyway you choose actually. Whether it is giving blood, volunteering, registering to be an organ donor, or giving a monetary donation to your favorite charity. One simple request is all we have.....please email us or comment under this posting as to what you did to be the ray of sunshine in someones day and/or life. We can't begin to express our gratitude to all of you who have helped, and continue to help, us get through this whole life altering event in our lives financially. We are "above water" because of you!! And the amazing part of this is that you keep giving!! This is so unbelievable and we are humbled. So, please email me if you plan on attending the princess' birthday party. I know it is a far drive for all, but we certainly would love to have you as our guests on the special day.
With Love, Suzie

UPDATE: Lindsay is doing very well after her Rituxin last week and starting yesterday, she is getting her IVIG treatment. They are doing 50cc's over a 12 hour period two days in a row to hopefully prevent any fluid overload issues. So far so good except for a high heart rate last night but before I left for the evening, the rate was coming down very slowly. No calls overnight so that is a very good thing! Today (5/19) is her second day and the next dose will begin at 2pm. Say your prayers that this will help. This time she has CellCept on board so who knows what will happen with all three mixed together! ;-)
Also, Cruz's CT scan came back completely within normal ranges!!! When the ENT told me this at the follow up appointment on Thursday, I could have just hugged him! He knows all that we have going on and I think it would have been an awful thing to have to say something was wrong.....but there isn't! THANK YOU LORD!!!! As Cruz would say, "Whew! That was close!" ;-)


Elaine said...

OF COURSE WE ARE COMING!!! Well, actually, we just got home from 5 days in Chicago with our little prince, Avery, it's 12:30 am and we haven't even brought in the suitcases I should probably check with Bill first!! But put us down as a yes and I will email again tomorrow for sure. I just can't think of anyplace I would rather be and we are honored to be included.

This is a lovely post and I have said before...I just want you to know how much we love you all. I can honestly say that anything I have done for the Lindsay Dean Heart Fund has been a labor of love and I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing with my time than this...working with your other wonderful friends and family has been one of the true joys of my life.

Happy Birthday Lindsay!!

Love, Elaine

PS: Have to get back to you on the "ray of sunshine" concept...I need to think about it. My guess is it will be something for another heart baby...I am obsessed with all of them!!

Stephanie said...

Oh my she is absolutely precious! I am inlove with the picture of her on her invitation!!!!!! Although I can't drive to Michigan I will be doing something special for Lindsays birthday...I'll have to think of something and let you know what I decide. My brain is getting in gear now :) I'm praying that in this next year Lindsays angel heart will come and she'll be progressing at home with you and her great family!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Such a cute invitation!!!! :0)

Her 1st b-day party is the day after my son's 1st b-day party :0) In fact, the were born 5 days apart......He was 6/6/08...

I hope that she has a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!



Misty Rice said...

She is adorable. I found your blog from Baby Bentley blog (You and Me Plus Three). I tried adding your button to my blog but it isn't working. ???

Will keep you in my prayers.

Michelle said...

Oh, she is so adorable! How we would love to be there... can we party again just a week later?

What a relief to hear Cruz is a-ok! You guys had quite a go-around with him and Lindsay both in the hospital last fall, and the last thing you needed was two sick kids again!

We are looking forward to seeing you again and partying with the Princess, a little late. Many prayers that her antibody-reducing meds will work!


Anonymous said...

just found you from another blog. So glad I did! Your little girl is beautiful and such a fighter! Come on over and visit our blog when you can. Is she keeping the ng tube for a while? Our son has one for now, but they mentioned g tube, so scared am I.

Danielle @ Living Out Loud said...

Oh my goodness... can she get any cuter?! What an ADORABLE invitation...and oh, so appropriate! I will be thinking of something special to do in honor of Lindsay's birthday... what a wonderful idea!

So glad to read that she is handling all of her meds so well and that your son's got an "all clear" report - what a relief!

Prayers that the little Princess continues to do well in anticipation of her big day! Wish I could be there to get my hands on those chubby little cheeks :)


The Hands said...

Lindsay is such a doll. I wish we could come and help celebrate, but...

Praying for an Extra Special birthday present with the PERFECT match for Lindsay this year!

God bless you,

Anonymous said...

Hi there--always hugs and kisses for our special girlie-girl!! Maybe an address or link to some charities you're thinking about would be helpful---just let us know, we're on it! Love you all lots!
XOXOXOXO Aunt Carole & Uncle Roc

Baby be Blessed said...

I didn't see a direct email link so I apologize to contact you through the comment section....

My heart was captured by your sweet girl! We would love to touch base with you about making your sweet Lindsay a doll along with possibly the opportunity to become a future Give a Blessing recepient if you are interested. Please check out our website at and email directly at

Thank you!
Many many prayers and blessings!!