Monday, April 20, 2009


I challenge you all to read this and not need Kleenex!

Amazing what a little girl with half of a heart can do to us all!
Love you all!


Anonymous said...

I am STILL in tears ....and I read her post like 10 mins ago!!!

Your little girl is so amazing and beautiful!!!

I so can picture her with the wind blowing through her precious hair! :0).....Awwwwwww So sweet!

God bless!!


Anonymous said...

p.s. I didn't realize that I had your button on my blog this whole time and it never showed up.....Your code for your button has a mind of its' own :0)....So I fixed it on my page so her beautiful face is now OFFICIALLY adorning my blog!!! :0)

Take care!


Anonymous said...

I still keep up with Lindsay even though Finley and Cole are not together in preschool anymore...all my friends check on the princess...stay positive...your family is beautiful
Ann Green
God Bless the wind!!

Danielle @ Living Out Loud said...

Oh, so glad you liked the post, Suzie. She really does teach us all "life lessons"... without even knowing it! And her "half a heart" makes the hearts of those of us who adore her very FULL! Didn't mean to make you cry... hopefully in a good way! As always... thanks for sharing her story. Give her a hug from me!

Danielle @ Living Out Loud said...

P.S. I tried to get the new button on my blog, but the code is showing up with no picture. Is anyone else having problems? I'd love to get those chubby cheeks permanently displayed!

Elaine said... only Suzie can say, "crying snot bubbles"!!! How completely precious that post is and how very true. All of us who know and love you and Lindsay have found ourselves appreciating ordinary things, smiling at a beautiful Lindsay smile and measuring everything differently because of Lindsay. Cara and I look at Avery when he falls or gets a cold or a rash...and say, "how does Suzie DO it?"!!! We all are better for knowing Lindsay and for watching you and JR cope with all the stress. I know I will never sweat the small stuff again...including the wind blowing my flowers off the porch! Thank you for that beautiful post...

Love, Elaine

aimee gillespie said...

I accepted your challenge and I failed miserably! What a beautiful post. I know I've said it before, but I feel so fortunate that our paths crossed again and that I have been given the opportunity to follow your family's journey with Lindsay. The little Princess with half a heart definitely holds a special place in mine! :-)

Michelle said...

So happy that Lindsay had some fun in the sun (and wind!) I hope she has a chance for many more outings! We continue to pray for many more good days and a PERFECT HEART!!! Can't wait to see you again soon (well, actually I can wait, seeing as why we're coming up...)

Lots of love,


Samantha said...

yeah... didn't grab the kleenex and i definitely should have! beautiful. Lindsay is beautiful. i cannot get over how freakin' adorable she is!
what i did do... just snuck (is that a word!?) in my sleeping little Layla's room, picked her up, brought her out to the recliner and rocked with her for over an hour.
i can't believe it's possible to take your kids for granted so much but i do... hard to imagine being in your situation and having such a sick little babe. praying for a new heart for Lindsay as i do everyday, but also praying she gets another opportunity to get outside very soon. and feel that wind in her hair. and i'll definitely be thinking of her the next windy day we have here. thanks for sharing...

Rachel Dominguez said...

That was amazing! And oh so true! I was just complaining about the wind yesterday...but a point was very clear in that message and I too, will appreciate the wind!!!!

I just adore your girl!

Rachel (Lee's Summit, MO)

Rachel Dominguez said...

PS...I have been trying to save your button onto my blog and it wont save properly. Any idea's what i'm doing wrong?

I am copying the code under the button and going over to my blog to customize/layout and adding a gadget and then adding it to the html/java field.... however when I save it and then go look at it to make sure that it is posted, it is only showing the "code" and no picture.

I have done this before, but maybe I just forgot and I'm doing it wrong.

Any advise? I want my readers to all be praying for Lindsay too.


Stephanie Winter said...

I failed... love you guys! Ann Arbor is definately a windy city, too... hope it warms up so she can get out again soon! see you saturday??

Stephanie said...

Absolutely need tissues for that one!!!!!

I've said before but I'll say it again because honestly I don't think it can be said enough....I think that Lindsay is absolutely amazing and she is such a source of inspiration for me. I pray constantly that her angel heart will come so she can go home with you where she belongs!!!!

Thank you for sharing your precious little girl with me!

Stephanie said...

I also just saw your new button so I'm headed to put it on my blog. Have to show off that precious little girl!!!

Stephanie said...

I can't get her button on my blog for some reason. I get the code but no picture shows up. I'll have to try again later on..hope it works!

Anonymous said...

Ok Suzie,,I'm not near tissues, so I'm wiping on my shirt now!!! It was a beautiful blog, and I hope out little princess gets to be out in the wonderful wind soon whenever she wants. Hope it's nice for her to get out for awhile soon, it's supposed to be here in a few days. We're still praying for her daily, love to you all.
Don and Brenda

cici said...

I have found that children with half a heart usually have a heart of gold and a million dollar smile and bring us all closer to God.

Anonymous said...

oh goodness - kleenex I need the entire box, that was so beautiful. We're praying for you every day! Love, Kristen/Travis/and kids