She was posing a little earlier this afternoon so I thought I would take advantage of the photo op. Isn't she getting chunky?!!! She is doing so fantastic! She has gained 2 pounds since we have been home already and has another weigh in tomorrow. AND look at those eyes! They have been focusing so much better since we left A2 just a few short weeks ago. She is also focusing in on things further away so all of this is extremely encouraging that her recovery is going well! WOOO HOOO! AMEN!
Yup. You can thank nurse Bethany for this bad habit! ha ha Too cute to not photograph!
The grin just melts my heart.......and her daddy's too. Lindsay is getting more "centered" with her sitting up like she was before transplant and her arrest. We also witnessed her getting on her knees. She is still working on the combo of the knees and pushing her body up with her arms. She'll get it soon I'm thinking. She has therapy once per week but we have been working quite a bit in between those visits.
Lindsay looks like such a big girl in this photo. Carlee's aunt Angela made this dress for her along with a few others. She even put zippers in the side in case she was still attached to machinery, she could still look as cute as ever. ;-) Angela, you are a clever one!
As you can tell, being home is treating the Princess just fine. She is happy as ever and becoming herself again more and more everyday. She is getting stronger and is eating orally perfectly without the gagging and choking as she was doing pre-transplant. Her tacro and cell-cept levels have been a little low so we continue with the weekly blood draws until they are stable for a few weeks. I think they are off because she is growing so much now that she has that perfect new ticker! The downfall to the higher doses of meds is that she is stooling more and her bottom can get pretty tender. So far so good on staying on top of that. Her brothers are just loving having her home. They interact with her just great and she just love to watch them play. She received a doll (2 actually) from my grandparents and one of them giggles. Lindsay will look at it and giggle right with it. It is the cutest thing and I will try and video it and post. As you can tell, we are enjoying being home and getting into a routine. I think I have it down to where I like it and things are going smoothly now that Dr. appointments can be spread out more. We go back to Ann Arbor on August 18th for her first check up since discharge. This will be an all day event to do the once over on the princess to make sure everything is still a-ok. Please pray that that is the case. She is showing no signs what so ever of rejection and we are thankful. We pray everyday that it will be a good one and blessed that we have it with her. I have been long winded tonight so off to bed I go. More again soon~
Love, Suzie
So glad you have updated the blog and that Lindsay is still doing well. Also happy that things seem to be getting easier for the family.
Cousin Nancy
To all of you...
This is such wonderful news. I am so glad that things are going well, she is adapting to the greatest hometown in the world and getting along well with the boys. Watching them all day, every day, she will do nothing but learn and grow quickly. I am so happy for all of you and look forward to keeping up with the blog.
PS...Sorry about your Tigers tonight. Did you see the Cubs score though?
Keep in touch. We all miss you terribly.
Mark Randall & Family!
as a longtime stalker (my daughter Rachel reminds me of Lindsay so much) your post has me in tears tonight! So happy things are going well, and so relieved and thankful for the update! Bless you and your family
Yeah for you Lindsay girl!! We are so excited that your adjustments home are going so well. The pictures of Lindsay at home are the best!!! I imagine she is changing and growing up everyday, especially with her big brothers to teach her the ropes. We are so happy for you to finally have your family HOME!!!!!
Love ya bunches,
Oh yes we got our fix so I'm good for another few days :)
She's looking FABULOUS and I absolutely love her dresses!!!!!!
I'm waiting (not as patiently as you I'm sure) to paint Allie's toenails too....I can't wait!!!! Although she's a couple of months older than Lindsay so maybe I could go ahead and do it. Where did you find nail polish with a brush that was small enough to do her toes...that's my problem.
So happy that things are going soooo well! What a little miracle she is! Such great pictures of her too. Good job Mom! We will stay tuned for her laugh! Take care and know that we are all still Praying for her and your family. Hugs! Sara D
I am just drooling over her darling little toes!!! How special! (Did Cruz want in on this one, too?) :)
Lindsay looks amazing! Her hair-do is just precious! Thanks for sharing some pictures of the Princess!!! You know I've gotta have my fix of that sweet thang!
Love you~ Rebecca
PS- August 18th is going to be a GREAT day!!! :)
Hi! I have been following for a while and I am so happy to see how well Lindsay is doing! Thought that I would share something to help that red bottom.....Lansinoh nipple cream...I know, sounds strange, but it is for breast feeding mothers. It has been a gem on taking care of red bottoms!!! Slather it on there and watch the healing begin!
Oh how awesome to read that this morning. She just puts a fantastic smile on all of our faces as well as very happy tears. She is beautiful as ever, her color is great, her outfits are of course adorable and look at how happy she is!
So happy for you guys - keep up the great work mom and dad!
Love, The Davidson's
So Stinkin' Cute!!! Almost as adorable in pictures as she is in person ;-) She just looks wonderful. I'm so happy for all of you.
I am sooo happy she is doing so much better. That kid had prayers coming from every direction. She is loved by so many and touched so many people's hearts with her strength. I am so happy for your family to have her home. I know having her home is a huge sigh of relief. My prayers are continually with you guys. I hope and pray Lindsay only continues to get stronger and healthier. Many hugs to all of you.
Such a nice post to read. It's wonderul to hear fun things about Lindsay's progress (the giggling and getting up on her knees).
You guys have an absolutely beautiful family, and a stunning little girl (love the big blue eyes)!
Happy thoughts, and prayers for August 18th!
Love, The Martin Family
Wow, how incredibly blessed you are that she is doing so well! She is an absolutely gorgeous little girl. She looks so healthy, no one would know what she has been through in her little life!! Give those cheeks a kiss for me.....she is a doll!
Thank you for taking the time to share your life and family with us. Every day I look for a little Lindsay love to make my day - thank you for giving it to me.
Thank you God! We have been praying for Lindsay and your family for some time now. We are so happy she is doing great. We will continue to pray.
Lindsay is looking great! She's such a cutie!
She looks AMAZING!!!!!!! Oh goodness it brings a tear to my eye......Thinking of all that she has been through all of the ups and downs and then to see he sittin pretty and having fun and smiling ......Absolutely beautiful!!
LOVE the PINK toes!! (Pink is my favorite color)
So happy to see her doing so well.
She is just soooo cute!
Gramma TJC
I am posting her picture on our church bullitin board so everyone can see this beautiful child of God they have been praying for each sunday and many of us each day.She looks so happy and so healthy and knows she is loved.. Cousin Phyllis
Lindsay is so beautiful! I love reading the wonderful news. I can't imagine how thrilled you are to have her home and thriving with you! That precious little girl is in my prayers!
I love seeing the princess!! She is growing so much, and her color looks so good. It is so fun to see her out of the hospital and living life. What a doll. I am so glad that I know her and get to watch her grow. She is a special little girl who has brought so much joy to soooo many people!
Thanks for sharing your blessing! So good to see her growing and getting cute baby chunky!
Keep up the great work Lindsay!!!
Thank goodness a posting you sure are being hard on us stalkers. We are slowly with drawing but its hard not to look every day! Love to you all Aunt Retta & Mary
Thanks for the update. Linsay is beautiful and I'm so glad that she is doing so well. I found your blog thru some of the others that I read. One of my heart mom friends from here in St. Louis will be at Ann Arbor for her lil guys double valve replacement on the 22nd.
She looks fabulous! I'm glad she's doing so well, and yep, I see her eye seems to be correcting itself! Way to go, Lindsey!!!
Wow! She looks fantastic!!! I am SOOOO happy to see her smiling face!
What beautiful pictures and such wonderful news to read this morning. Thank you Suzie, for taking the time to post on here. I look forward to keeping up with Lindsays' progress on here.
Prayers are with your family and especially on 8/18.
Lovely post! Lindsay is a cutie pie. You are amazing! Jean E.
Thanks for the updates and new photos. What a cutie....LOVE the toes! Hope things continue to go well. Take care!
Cheryl, Craig, Clayton and Grace
Oh... I just LOVE seeing these pictures of the little princess in her own HOME! It makes my heart smile :)
I noticed her eyes even before I read your words! She looks fantastic and certainly looks like she is enjoying her new surroundings!
And by the way, how on earth did you get such a perfect toe painting accomplished? Emily wiggles her little tooties so much, they always end up smudged! I love seeing those pink toes!
Prayers for a good report on the 18th!
Love to you...
What beautiful pictures! I can't believe how chunky she is getting... you guys must be doing something right! Keep those pictures coming, and keep posting updates. We miss you guys and love to hear how you're doing. We'll keep you in our prayers, especially on the 18th. As you head back to Ann Arbor that day, we head back to school :o(
P.S. I'm still waiting to paint toenails.
Suzie, LOVE the pink toenails! and oh my gosh that polka dot dress that was made for her was just adorable (whoever made it should go into business)! So glad things are going good. Lindsay looks amazing, I just want to squeeze those chubby cheeks!
thanks for the update!
take care!
Lindsay is absolutely adorable...and the pink toes...can't say enough. It is wonderful to see her home and doing so well.
You are wonderful parents and God picked YOU specially for Lindsay.
I will continue to pray for Lindsay and for her appointment on the 18th.
Keep up the good work Lindsay, you ROCK.
Still praying in Toronto, Canada
I am in awe over how well Lindsay is doing, I know it is because she is home with her family. She is doing so awesome.
I will say a special prayer on August 18, for your "princess" but I know everything will be perfect.
Lindsay looks wonderful at home!
The pedicure is beautiful.
So happy things are going well at home.
She looks soooooo good & beautiful. I'm so happy for you and your whole family. Keep getting stronger Princess !!!
LOVE,LOVE,LOVE all the pictures
What a beautiful & healthy looking baby girl. I'm sure August 18 will confirm what a miracle she really is!! You are all still in our prayers.
Love from the Jewett Family
I think of you guys often and I am very glad that all is going well. Miss you guys and always praying love you princess! Jessica
Love love reading your blog and all of the miracles that God is performing in your life with your beautiful princess Lindsay. I was reading about the whole stooling issuing that you mentioned. My son has had tons of intestinal issues as well as severe stooling problems. We tried EVERYTHING over the counter and prescription. The best things that we used were called Triple Paste (pretty expensive- but it was good for keeping the bottom protected) and the new thing we have been using for now my second kiddo with lots of poop:-) is plain old vaseline (REALLY thick) with cornstarch on top. I know this sounds crazy, it sounded crazy to me too, I am a pedi nurse and have seen all kinds of stuff, but not this. We had been fighting this terrible rash for 3wks with prescription stuff, then we tried the vaseline and cornstarch. 75% better within 12hrs!!! Just thought I would share. And yeah I definitely love the painted toes too:-) GOD BLESS and sending prayers!!!
Hi Suzie,
Hope Lindsay is doing well and the pictures, soo adorable! I'm Hua, the director of Wellsphere's HealthBlogger Network, a network of over 2,000 of the best health writers on the web (including doctors, nurses, healthy living professionals, and expert patients). I think your blog would be a great addition to the Network and in either the parenting or children health community, and I'd like to invite you to learn more about it and apply to join at Once approved by our Chief Medical Officer, your posts will be republished on Wellsphere where they will be available to over 5 million monthly visitors who come to the site looking for health information and support. There’s no cost and no extra work for you! The HealthBlogger page ( provides details about participation, but if you have any questions please feel free to email me at
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