We stayed one night at the hospital (Friday night) and Little Miss got some IV fluids, antibiotic to treat what was thought to be slight pneumonia, and let's just say a not so restful night ;-) Having to take vitals at 1am, 3am, and 5am got the princess a little ticked to say the least. She would do fine except for that pesky temperature under the arm get up. lol The girl has been poked so many times but what really gets her is a nurse taking her temp under her arm. Go figure! lol Getting an IV was a challenge to say the least. She still hasn't outgrown her access problem. Took them three times in three different spots to finally get the line in with her constantly screaming bloody murder the whole time. I would say it was about 30 minutes straight. Yes, she napped a little but following that ordeal, we had to take her down for a belly ultrasound to see if there was anything alarming going on. Nothing but hoping that we get a GI consult when we go to U of M on Tuesday for transplant clinic. Lindsay also received an echo which looked just great. AMEN! Rejection is and will always be in the back of our minds and relieved that it wasn't the case THIS time. She received a bolas of fluid and then maintenance from then on. Poor little thing is now puffy all over. But, I will say, it has improved her eating. I just feel in my gut that there is an underlying issue going on hence the wanting of that GI consultation when we go. Lindsay is also getting her ear tubes put in on Wednesday. We got home by noon on Saturday and have been taking it easy getting her to eat, drink, and produce stool samples. Yes, I said it. We have to collect her stools for 24 hours of time. Ewwwww was my reaction. ;-) Oh well. Have to get it tested! So, please pray that our clinic visit for the princess is successful in figuring out her belly problem which is related to her eating and then getting dehydrated problem. It just has to be. Momma knows something ain't right! Here are a few pictures during our stay.
Heart Blessings~

Poor kid! Sure hope they get things figured out!
Cousin Nancy
Mama, knows best! ;-) Will be praying that they get it all figured out. Thanks for letting us know.
A mother's intuition is important. My aunt knew something was wrong (with herself) even when the Dr's tried to pass off her concern, and now she's been diagnosed with stage 3/4 cancer. :( Not, of course that that is Lindsay's situation, but just to say that you know Lindsay best. Way to advocate for her, and I hope she improves!
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