Friday, March 11, 2011

In the right direction......

The last few days have been very productive and she is looking really, really great! Most all of swelling is gone and she has been eating! That is so exciting for us because Lindsay hasn't eaten very well the last almost three months. Just nibbling here and there. Yesterday she ate a whole piece of pizza along with Mac and cheese for lunch. Her snacks have been Doritos and cheerios. I think we have finally kicked the saltines kick that she was on. But, the poor girl didn't feel well and that is what tasted good to her. Can't blame her for that! Today she was surprised with a huge bowl of popcorn by one of the cna's. She was in her glory and Loise was thrilled that she loved her gift so much! Awesome! Lindsay had a bath today too. It had been almost a week. She probably feel like a whole new woman! Lol spaghettios and a little jello was on the menu for lunch today. Can you tell that I am thrilled that she is eating!?
On the medical side of things, she is still on her diuretics and today was her last day of her antibiotic for her pneumonia. She started myralax yesterday to try and release all the extra stool that is in her bowels. So far, nothing really exciting in her diapers that is out of the norm. I think tomorrow we might be taking a more aggressive approach. The fear in doing that is drying her out too much. We just have to be careful of dehydrating her again. She also has a lot of air in the bowel too. Not too clear how that is happening but hopefully once we get her emptied out a bit, that will help. We are getting there and we are very happy that she is here at U of M. They re so careful with her and they all know that she can be tipped in the wrong direction very easily so they are being cautious with be aggressive. Her tacro level this morning was down from 10 to 8 this morning. So, still very good in that department. Another blood draw in the morning to see if her dosage is what we need her on for when we leave. There is a very slim chance we could go home tomorrow, but only time will tell and what her reaction will be to another dose of myralax. Thank you again for your prayers. The Lindsay Dean prayer warriors are the best!
Heart Blessings ~

1 comment:

Cousin Nancy said...

Now that she is eating again, something will have to start coming out the other end soon! ; )
- So glad Lindsay is doing so much better! Since she was craving saltines, the salt in the saltines could have been contributing to the swelling - one reason us "old people" have to watch our salt. Since Lindsay is such a special case, it could be true for her too.
- Hope she and mom and pop will be able to return home soon.
Cousin Nancy