The day started out with Tina stocking the kids up with food for their stay at the RM House. She and I had a special visit with Lindsay before the rest of the relatives arrived. Aunt Carole had special moments with Lindsay. You can tell how thrilled she is to have a little girl baby in the family. It's been a long time since Suzie.

Great, Great Aunt Marva (yes she admitted the great great part when she got her badge) thought she was just beautiful!

I saw Uncle Robb rub the tears from his eyes. Lindsay's beauty overwhelmed him.
Great Grandma Lumbard was so proud of Suzie and Lindsay.
It is so awesome that family could come over from Kalamazoo to see Lindsay. I wish I could be there with all of you. It hurts being down here in FL and not being there with you and the family. I love you guys!
uncle Dan
Just a quick HI! Thinking of the whole family, sending prayers of strength to ALL OF YOU! Lindsay is BEAUTIFUL!
Marsha & Dan
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