AHHH. A beautiful day at the beach! Bill and Elaine Burdick graciously invited us out for the day and boy, am I sure glad we went! Yes my southern friends, THIS is Lake Michigan! Pretty nice huh? It was a lot to tow with one person for an outing, but I got some sun and even a swim in the pool! As I said above, Lovin' Life!
OK, this one is for you Kyle, and for my old twirling friends! Can you believe this shirt?!! ha ha Ashley found this for Lindsay before I even had her. Too perfect! (even though the "twirl" on the shirt probably wasn't intended for baton twirling,but it does to us!)
God is good! I miss you Tommy!

My precious baby's first time to the beach! Although she didn't touch the sand, (not yet anyway!) Lindsay enjoyed being out in the fresh air and listing to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Oh wait, that was me enjoying it! ha ha Can you tell that I needed this?!!

Cara gave Cole a little lesson in body surfing while we were in South Haven and after that, we couldn't get him out of the water!

Cruz wanted nothing to do with the water. He was entertained just playing in the sand. I LOVE this photo of him!

Now, this one I will cherish forever. At Cruz's birthday party, we were surprised with some visitors from Pensacola! My brother Dan, and my nephews, Braeden and Camden, flew up from the south to visit. This enabled us to get this great photo of all five grandchildren with great-grandma and grandpa!
God is good! I miss you Tommy!
My precious baby's first time to the beach! Although she didn't touch the sand, (not yet anyway!) Lindsay enjoyed being out in the fresh air and listing to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. Oh wait, that was me enjoying it! ha ha Can you tell that I needed this?!!
Cara gave Cole a little lesson in body surfing while we were in South Haven and after that, we couldn't get him out of the water!
Cruz wanted nothing to do with the water. He was entertained just playing in the sand. I LOVE this photo of him!
Now, this one I will cherish forever. At Cruz's birthday party, we were surprised with some visitors from Pensacola! My brother Dan, and my nephews, Braeden and Camden, flew up from the south to visit. This enabled us to get this great photo of all five grandchildren with great-grandma and grandpa!
I hope I haven't sent ya'll (getting ready for OUR trip south!! ha ha) into photo overload! Enjoy!
Love, Suzie
Wow, I can't get ENOUGH pictures! So glad you are all loving life... we are, too! Geez, isn't it amazing how much STUFF you take just for a day trip to the beach? But it's all worth the fun, though. Precious pics of Lindsay and the boys on the lake. Lindsay is looking incredible. Her eyes are looking better each time you post, and it's great to see her playing with her brothers. You can tell they adore her! We miss you guys but are happy (for the sake of both Lindsay and Zachy) that we are loving life in our hometowns these days!
Love, Michelle
We could never have to many pictures of the angel and her family :) I was getting worried when days had gone by and no post you are very faithfull at blogging so I was parying hard that everything was ok, and know god is good I had peace that the princess was fine!!!!
She is sweet as every keep the posts comming :)
There can never be too many pictures - I love the Cruz picture too!
My heart is singing, enjoy, you so deserve it. Your family is beautiful.
Happy tears are dripping down my face.
I wish you so much happiness. When your ready, remember I babysit for free.
Chris Babiasz
Great photos! So very happy to see your family out enjoying life!!
Picture overload - NO WAY GIRL, keep 'em coming, we love seeing them!
So happy things are going well, Love, The Davidson's
Lovin' the pictures! Looking forward to seeing you guys around school this year :-)
Hi there, I just wanted to say hello. We are back from Germany and everyone had a good time. Great to see the pictures. I am so happy for you guys and glad that the princess is doing fine.
Love Ute
What an awesome time and a wonderful trip!!!!!
The pictures of Lindsay outside with the beautiful beach and her awesome brothers are phenomenal!!!!!
Those are great pictures!! Nothing beats the sand between your toes, the crashing of the waves and the smell of the ocean... Ahhhh. I'm jealous. I'm glad you had a great time!!
Wow...what can I say? It was a perfect day! We are all so glad you came and we loved watching the boys in the water...soooo cute! I LOVE the pictures...you are good with that camera, Suzie!
We love you, dear friend, Elaine
I remember Kyle when she was the mascot for the Comstock band. Loved the shirt. :) Glad to see Lindsay is still doing fine. The pictures of the boys were super too! It looks like you all had a great day.
Cousin Nancy
Man you provided such a good picture of the water, waves and sand that I got homesick for a minute. Sure would be nice to visit the Lake again. So glad that you could go even though it took a lot of planning. Your boys sure are growing up! And Lindsay is putting on the weight too...good girl, Lindsay! Enjoy the rest of your summer.
Hey Sis, Those are some nice pictures! Can you send me a copy of the one with Gramps and Grams and all the little ones? Thats a great picture of all of them and especially with Little Lindsay in it! She is a sweetheart and we love her dearly!
What a cute bunch of kids you have! We love the beach too...Lindsay is getting SO BIG! I can't believe how much she's changed...love the pics, keep em' coming! Hugs to you-
I am SO happy for ALL of you! What a precious family you have! My heart is singing! I pray for you every single day! It sure makes us all think about what we take for granted! Many happy days ahead for you! Bless you all!
love the pics!!! She is turning into a blonde--watch out!! Ha ha! Enjoy it all--you deserve it--
Love Lisa in sunny FL
Yeah!!! So great to see Lindsay out and about enjoying life and her family!!
Thanks for the updated pictures.
Those are awesome pictures! I am so happy that Lindsay can enjoy life with her family. WOW!
I have read this blog for about 6 months now. Yes, I am a Lindsay stalker ;) Currently I am studying to be a nurse. I pasted Lindsay's picture to the front of my study notebook. She is my inspiration and motivation.
Love from Texas,
My 20 month old daughter Molly thinks the picture is of her. I just let her think that it is :)
Great pictures (and BTW, I think pictures are the best thing about a blog, never too many!)...it's so great to see you guys doing 'normal' family things. Normal is good and never to be taken for granted! Best wishes...
Happy me Happy Pictures Happy Kids and I love it that the picture with the grandparents on the deck is included...they are living to see their greatest miracle!
She looks so great. I am So happy for you and you're family! May God continue to bless you!
When you can get Cruz to play in the sand without shoes, it is a special, special time! Add to that the other two cuties and Suze you had a very precious afternoon. Never, never get enough of those pics! Love you all lots, AuntC & UncleR
The pictures are all great!! Love the one of her sleeping in the saucer and as a "twirling mom" my favorite was the one with the twirl-shirt.(brings back lots of memories) Have fun at the game on Saturday...Jen hopes to see you there!
Love to all, Dianne Jewett
How beautiful to see Lindsay with her sacrificial love mark on her chest. Truly a blessing from God.
So glad y'all had a wonderful time! Love the photos! Never too many of your sweet family!
Kerri in SC
I remember seeing the twirling shirt before she was even born and I've been thinking about it for the last year thinking "I hope she doesn't outgrow it before she gets a chance to wear it!" love it!!!
OK.........obviously I've been pretty tied up with the Western band thing and just now caught up..........I adore the shirt and the princess in it!!!!!! I'll be sending a baton your way!! So loving the every-day type pictures and the 3 kids together in the family package they were meant to be in. Such a wonderful God provides the splendor and freshness of this time of year on so many levels. Take in every moment........loving you.
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