As you all might guess, we were happy to leave the hospital after seeing Lindsay to come back to my hotel for some Tina Lasagna. Suzan Dean came to visit and was in on all the action today, but she did stop by Tina's to pick up dinner and brought it up to us. Boy did we look forward to that after the day we had.
I wouldn't want anyone to go through this roller coaster!!!
The respiratory therapist is trying to find Lindsay's "sweet spot" to keep her stable. She seems to like things just right.
I know you all like pictures, so here they are.....
Heart Hugs to all,
Just to rehiterate what everyone is saying...... we love and care for you so much, and are praying each day gets better and Lindsay will be home soon! We miss you at work, I miss that cheery voice ( not that Angie and Ashley aren't but they are not you) Take care and thin positive, you will soon have your little baby girl at home in her beautiful room and be able to dress her up, and I can't wait to play with her hair....and her grandma can too!!!
Love you and thinking of you all constantly,
Oh THANK GOD!!! I am so glad that she is doing well. She is such a strong little girl and she's only a week old. Watch out JR you've got trouble on your hands! Anyway, your ears must be ringing all day long b/c I'm always talking about 'this awesome family that needs a few extra prayers said for them.' It's obviously working so get used to the ringing! Well take it easy, and know that I'll be checking up on all of you probably about 1,000 times tomorrow! Love- Monica, Shawn and "Bubby"
Just wanted to say - thinking of your family every day! Missie gave me this link to see your lovely daughter - i check every day to see how she is -
Beth Junker
I'm just amazed every time I see more pictures of Lindsay....she's more adorable than ever. Monica is right, you're going to have to watch out with those beautiful kids of yours. Two little lady killers - and now a daughter that is sure to steal the boys hearts (with a strong heart of her own, too). I just can't stop looking at her.... More hugs and love coming your way tonight. Love you-
Shannon and Brian
So glad to hear she is doing good. I really enjoy seeing the pictures...keep 'em coming Linda! I can't wait to take some pictures for you as soon as all of you are home!
Stay Strong,
It's so wonderful to get the "good news" from a doctor ins't it? I'm so happy for all of you that everything is going so well, it must be all of the praying going on, eh? She's sooo cute too. We had to delay our "park trip", w/boys til tomorrow,Ava wasn't feeling well. But we're going in a.m., Cole and Cruz, and the rest, are anxious for lunch and playing there. Continue doing what you are,,and get some rest.
Don and Brenda
I am so glad your little one is doing so well. She is an absolute stunner and her spirit outweights her beauty 10 fold. What a lucky family you are to have such a special spirit join your family:) Continued prayers for her speedy recovery.
Dear Suzie, Jr and Lindsay,
So glad to see that she did well yesterday after the big day. I am sure she will do good and be strong today for the next step to recovery. Well it is on to work with no internet so won't be able to check until this afternoon. I am glad it is the weekend because the internet won't be fixed until at least Monday. Have a great day!!!
Love ya,
Steve and Tina
Lindsay what a strong little girl you are and with God's blessing you will rise above this and be able to share your story as I have when I had my open heart surgery at 6 years old. Mine was done in Ann Arbor also what a great place!! God is good!! Spoke with Grandpa Don this evening and your brothers were getting a bath from Grandma Sue, and so Grandpa filled me in on your roller coaster ride, but things were going well. Our prayers are steady for you and your family and as the bible say Hope, Faith & Love, but the greatest of all is LOVE!! Can't wait to meet you!! We are thankful for you allowing us to view your pictures on a daily basis.
In Christ, Steve & Linda Rogers
What a journey. I am so glad to hear that Lindsay is doing well. She is a strong little girl with a strong family surrounding her with love.
Take care
LOVE the bow!!! Lindsay's color and "puffiness" looks great. She looks like a sleeping beauty. Oh, Suzie I have so many pictures of me doing the thinking pose over Annabelle...the love and concern and awe in your eyes is so touching. We pray for you all daily and for Lindsay to continue to gain strength every day!
Heart hugs~ Rebecca
Thank you so much for sharing your day with me yesterday! It's days like yesterday that remind us of just how important family is and what the amazing power of love can do! I loved you all so much and think of you constantly. Give my beautiful niece a kiss for me.
I Love you!
The picturs are precious!! Lindsay is adorable. Remember Linda, take an hour at a time. It makes the roller coaster ride "a little" easier. God is with you and will always be there for all of you. It is amazing what we are able to get thru with his help. My love, hugs and prayers are with you constantly. Love, Beth Carpenter
wow, these pictures are amazing. the story that they tell about you and your family is so touching.
jr and suzie, you both look so at peace, even though i know that you are experiencing an overwhelming amount of emotion and concern. you can see how proud you are of your precious little girl. you all have displayed a great deal of strength and character through this entire process.
you are truely amazing people and we are so fortunate that you are willing to share this with us. we think of you often and hope to see you and lindsay soon.
love the wesaw family
Hi baby Lindsay! I would like you to come home so I can say hi. I like your pictures and I when you grow up, I would like you to play hide and seek at our house and you can play with my Nascars and with Williams trains. I've been praying for you and looking at your pictures. Love, From Garrett
We love you Lindsay and can't wait to see you! You are in our prayers and hearts!
Uncle Dan
Good Morning Dean Family. You know, while reading the posts I just wanted to comment on what Pam (Wesaw) said, which is totally true. These pictures of Lindsay are such a blessing to see - but the pictures of JR and Suzie, with her - are just priceless.
It's so beautiful to just SEE and FEEL the love in your eyes, and to know how connected you two really are thru all of this. At such a critical and difficult time, you both have held strong in your Faith and are going thru this together, and growing in your own love. Something that is such a gift, in a marriage, that we can ALL learn from.
You have always both been a true example of commitment (at least for me) - and that just grows stronger and stronger each day as I see the photos and hear the updates. Thanks for allowing us to share in this experience with you. We do love you guys so much and Lindsay (and Cruz and Cole, too, of course) are BLESSED to have such wonderful, loving and committed parents.
We are at your side in spirit and thought - always.........
Shannon and Brian
We're so glad your sweet little Lindsay is doing well. Our thoughts are with you. Take care.
Travis, Jill & Reagan
Suzie and JR--
Congratulations!!!!! Finally Rich and Ken sent me the blog site and I have spent all morning on it. I am so glad that I read the most recent news and entries first, that way the tears of joy came before the tears of worry and sadness. Lindsay is the most beautiful baby girl ever!!! It sounds like prayers are being answered and improvements are being made with each passing day. You have been in our daily prayers for months now and I am so happy to see God's work in yours and Lindsay's lives.
Reading the blog and seeing the pictures brings back all too many memories that have been shoved to the back of my brain from when Matthew was born 13 years ago. Although his condition was not nearly as serious as Lindsay's, there are so many similiarities. When I see pictures it seems like yesterday. Although these may be the longest days of your life, once she is home, your days will soon become years and pretty soon you will have a teenager!
We just want to let you know how very much we love you and your family. We look forward to meeting Lindsay very soon!!
Love, Rich and Alison Lee
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