Suzie was very lucky to have Dani come in from Oregon to be with her through labor. She was a huge help and after watching Suzie work through contractions, she thinks c-sections are just fine.
Okay you guys...this is true friendship: I woke up at 3 am, looked at the computer, and thought "I wonder if there are new pictures?" Am I crazy or what? And, at 3 am, there they were! So I don't know how late you were up posting them, but it appears we are equally crazy!
You all look great, and Suzie and Jr. look so incredibly happy, sitting there with their beautiful Lindsay. We send all our love and prayers and thank you again for keeping us all so involved. We love you to pieces, Elaine
How beautiful!!! my own busy grown up world of caring for a parent, child graduating (yes, he's that old!!) and trying to keep up, I feel like I have so not been there for you. Just know I love and adore you and say my prayers for all of you every day. Whatever path we are led down, is the path we were chosen to take.
Cyber hugs and virtual kisses sent your way to the entire beautiful family......and to those surrounding you. May the warmth of others' love keep the chills of fear away.
Suzie: Your Fancy-Schmantzy Breast Pump is here! :)
Seriously...Linda: Cara shipped her breast pump from NY for Suzie because it has a much larger motor than her other one, and can pump both sides in about 20 minutes. It comes in a large purse-looking bag so she can take it anywhere with her and little Miss Lindsay can have all the breast milk they will allow!!
So...when Suzie and I talked about it last Tuesday, I told her I would post it here, so we could figure out how best to get it to Ann Arbor. I am hoping I can get it to whoever in the family is coming to see Lindsay over the weekend...Don and Sue perhaps? Or JR, if he comes home to see the boys? I will be out doing errands tomorrow, so I will have it in the car with me and you can call my cell (269 491 7518) and I will be happy to deliver it to someone. If no one is coming yet, or you don't need it yet, I'll just wait for directions. If you want to call me at home: (269 343 3325)
I hope you all got some rest and are having a good day,
It's a beautiful day up in heaven. Jesus is rounding up his tiniest angels, to go live on earth, and be born. One of the sweetest angels says to Jesus "I don't want to leave, I like it here, and I will miss you". He reassures the scared little angel that everything will be okay, and that he is just going for a visit. He is still not swayed on this idea. So Jesus kneels down, and says, "How about if you leave half of your heart here with me and take the other half with you, will that be okay?" The angel smiles and says, "I guess that will work". But the little angel is still a little scared. He asks,"Will I be okay with only half of my heart?" Jesus replies,"Of course you will, I have other angels there that will help out, and you will be fine." Then Jesus gives the angel more details about his plan. He says "When you are born, your mommy will be scared, so you have to be strong, and when you feel weak just remember that I have the other half of your heart". "Enjoy your time with your family, play and laugh everyday." "And when its time to come back to heaven, I will make your heart whole again. Always remember that you are not broken, just torn between two loves."
Lindsay is BEAUTIFUL!!! We are praying for you guys!
Heart hugs~ Rebecca
Okay you guys...this is true friendship: I woke up at 3 am, looked at the computer, and thought "I wonder if there are new pictures?" Am I crazy or what? And, at 3 am, there they were! So I don't know how late you were up posting them, but it appears we are equally crazy!
You all look great, and Suzie and Jr. look so incredibly happy, sitting there with their beautiful Lindsay. We send all our love and prayers and thank you again for keeping us all so involved. We love you to pieces, Elaine
How beautiful!!! my own busy grown up world of caring for a parent, child graduating (yes, he's that old!!) and trying to keep up, I feel like I have so not been there for you. Just know I love and adore you and say my prayers for all of you every day. Whatever path we are led down, is the path we were chosen to take.
Cyber hugs and virtual kisses sent your way to the entire beautiful family......and to those surrounding you. May the warmth of others' love keep the chills of fear away.
Suzie: Your Fancy-Schmantzy Breast Pump is here! :)
Seriously...Linda: Cara shipped her breast pump from NY for Suzie because it has a much larger motor than her other one, and can pump both sides in about 20 minutes. It comes in a large purse-looking bag so she can take it anywhere with her and little Miss Lindsay can have all the breast milk they will allow!!
So...when Suzie and I talked about it last Tuesday, I told her I would post it here, so we could figure out how best to get it to Ann Arbor. I am hoping I can get it to whoever in the family is coming to see Lindsay over the weekend...Don and Sue perhaps? Or JR, if he comes home to see the boys? I will be out doing errands tomorrow, so I will have it in the car with me and you can call my cell (269 491 7518) and I will be happy to deliver it to someone. If no one is coming yet, or you don't need it yet, I'll just wait for directions. If you want to call me at home: (269 343 3325)
I hope you all got some rest and are having a good day,
Love, Elaine
Yep she is beautiful!!!
You look great Suzie !!
Love ya Lots
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