I took the kids back to Ann Arbor with me last night after I attended Pam's mom's funeral. I don't know who was most excited to see who? The kids were thrilled when we had a pajama party at my hotel and mom and dad had picked up a movie for the kids to watch.
Today we had lunch in the hospital waiting room while we took turns going in to see Lindsay. Then, we explored the playground area at the top of the hospital. After enjoying a popcicle, we took the kids to the children's hands on museum. I told the kids that I had a shortcut to get home because Cole always asks if it's a long drive. I slipped in a portable DVD player so it kept him occupied and broke it up treating him to his first milkshake. He thought it was cool to drink ice cream. Cruz just slept most of the way home.
So, I came home tonight to get some things done, hopefully Suzie will be able to post updates for the next few days. I will return to Ann Arbor on Sunday when JR returns home to go back to work.
Please continue to uplift Suzie and JR's spirits with postings because I really mean it when I say that it's their highlight of the day to come back to the RM House and get on the computer to read your messages to them.
Thank you all and heart hugs too,
how special to really take in all of your sweet baby. she is so precious and has a strong valiant fighting spirit! How lucky you are to have such a choice spirit. She looks great. Thank you so much for allowing me to follow the progress of your beautiful baby girl!
syracuse utah
Good Morning - I'm so glad you posted more beautiful photos, I've been anxiously checking and always love to hear the latest update. It's great that Cole got to see his little sister too, how cool for him. I can bet the kids were just ecstatic to see their parents and baby sister.
You've been thru so much too, Linda - thanks for keeping up on the posts. And JR and Suzie - you know we are all still here, praying for you all, and sending our love your way. Hugs, kisses and continued positive thoughts for today. We love you.
Shannon and Brian
Lindsay looks wonderful. This site has brought tears to my eyes ever since the first day I checked it, and this time was no different. How sweet to see Cole and Suzie looking over his baby sister.
I am so in awe of the strength of your family. You have remained strong in your hope for Lindsay, strong in your faith and strong in your love for each other. Although I've only recently had the chance to get to know you guys, (I don't think high school counted...)
I have been forever touched by Lindsay and your family.
Way to go Lindsay, you've picked an amazing family to be a part of!
Aimee Gillespie
Dear Suzie, Jr and Lindsay,
Good Morning, yesterday was very busy we took the kids to Michigan Adventure for the day and had lots of fun. I looked last night when we got back 10:45 pm (we left yesterday morning at 9:30am). Was a little concerned that nothing was posted but was to late to call, so got up earlier to get ready for today and am so happy to see that she is doing so well. I am glad that Cole and Cruz came over I am sure that is really hard. We are always thinking of you and praying for a speedy recover for Lindsay. As Always she is just beautiful!~!! We Love You All!!
Steve and Tina
PS: Amanda brought me a Cash to go along with my Tango!! Get it another puppy!!!
Am I nuts or what.
All of the pictures are so wonderful! Suzie and JR, I love seeing her in your arms. I know that was a very special time for Lindsay, too. Her little birthmark couldn't be cuter!
She is really coming along and doing so well. We continue to pray for you all daily~ Rebecca
Oh- Suzie, you really look too good to have just had a baby! Having a girl looks good on you, heart friend:)
She looks so great! Chandler and I were talking about Cole's new sister the other day and he said he wanted to go to Cole's house to play with her!:) Lots of boys around here to fight over her!! Get home soon Lindsay, we all can't wait to meet you!!
Glad you got to spend some time with the boys. I'm sure it's hard being away from them! Love you all!!
Thanks for the update and more pictures! It looks like miss Lindsay is doing well with her recovery! You all continue to be in my prayers daily.
Julie Miles
She is so precious and I love the pics of Cole and you and Lindsay. I love the pics the best of my kids visiting their new sibling in the hospital. I love seeing all the pics of Lindsay. We're continuing to pray for all of you.
I love the picture of her with the pacifier. What a big girl.
As always- thinking of you… and praying hard!
Howard and Ann
Such cute pictures of Cole and Lindsay, I bet he is so excited to get her home. She looks great!
Thanks for the updated pictures!
Suzie and JR, you're doing a terrific job of hanging in there! It's great to see you all together--I can totally understand why JR couldn't bear to go back to work this week!
I hope you understand how many people you've touched over the last two weeks. I have several people in our small office who check your blog daily to see how "our" baby is doing now. Even people who haven't met you or had a baby with HLHS have fallen in love with your family--we talk about you all the time.
Please know that our love and prayers are with you. And thanks to Linda for the wonderful bit about Mom and the pink blanket--it made me want to go and dig out the green and blue blankets that she made for Rob and Jen.
Debbie and Rick
I'm so glad the boys were able to stay for the night and visit with their little sister. She is a cutey, but then again so are the boys!!! You guys make beautiful babies! We are continuing to Pray for you all and wish you all Good things. Joe/Sara Dziewicki
So I showed Lindsay's pictures to my boss and little did I know that his son had some similar procedures when his son was real little. He went through every picture and thought Lindsay was as beautiful as I do. We love you Lindsay!!
Uncle Dan, Braeden, and Camden
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