I realized that I left Cruz out of the pictures from yesterday. He doesn't quite understand what's going on when he looks at this little baby, but he did understand how fun the playground was at the hospital.
I'd share it with you. Lindsay has long fingers and
her nail beds look like her Great Grandma Lindsay's.
What an appropriate picture with her blanket as the
background. Just a little punture wound healing up.
Continuing to pray for Lindsay and the whole family daily. She is precious! What an amazing family you are.
Jan Kiino
Great pictures, again, Linda - thanks for the update. It's so adorable to see Cole and Cruz with their little sister, especially the picture of Cole touching her - like he's giving her the healing power of a big brother (and super hero too, I'm sure :-)
Every picture is amazing, and we're grateful that you're allowing us to share in this with you. We love you (bet you haven't heard that in a while...eh? ha).
Hope to see you very soon. Lots of love.
Shannon (and Brian, too)
Suzie and JR,
I just don't know how you do it. What choice do you have really, but so many couples would fold given your situation with precious Lindsay. I too love the photo of her hand on the blanket. You will always treasure it. Thank you for sharing in your lives and letting us become a part of this journey with Lindsay. Your beautiful family will be bonded even more than ever because of this. Have a great day!!!
Love, Alison and Rich
Oh my...what adorable pictures!
I agree with every word in Shannon's post...very beautifully said. We are all so fixated on Lindsay, I sometimes forget about the boys...such sweet little guys who are being so good about all of this, even if they don't quite understand...you must miss them so much.
That said, I cannot BELIEVE Bill and I get to meet Lindsay tomorrow...we are so excited! I just want to "pet" that soft little hand and tell her how much we love her. I cannot believe I am saying this, but "meet you at Big Bird at 4"!! :)
Love, Elaine and Bill
Good Morning Suzie, Jr and Lindsay,
Couldn't check last night NO POWER!!! Oh my and a house full. Papa fired up the generator so we managed with out air conditioning for the night it is fixed now. The pictures are great so glad to see they are removing some of the Iv'S that is a wonderful sign. We are all thinking of you always, and can't wait to see her again.
Love you Lots, and give Lindsay a kiss from us.
Love always,
Steve and Tina
Life is life; crazy at times. Had a moment to get on the computer and I was so pleased to see the great progess Lindsay has had. What precious pictures; beautiful!
Big hugs to all. Take care.
Love, Missie
She is gorgeous! We had a fun morning with your boys. We got most of the preschool kids together to play at the park this morning. Aunt Carol brought them to play. They had a blast. Cruz went down the slide and then just sat at the bottom until someone came and moved him because he didn't want to step in the wet sand! What cuties! Hope for more fun tomorrow with them! Talk to you soon!
love you guys,
Steph and Family
Suzie & Jr
I was in the tanner today and saw Angie. She gave me this website and I have enjoyed beng able to see Lindsay. She is so cute. I am glad to see she is doing well. All of you have been in our thoughts and prayers. We can not wait to see her. Please let us know if we can do anything for you. We would be more than happy to do anyhting. Keep up the positive attitude, and know that we are thinking of all of you.
love Brett & Kelsey
More wonderful pictures. Thankyou for the updates. You have a lot of family and friends on this journey with you.
Hello to everybody on the blog! Bill and I had a wonderful visit in Ann Arbor today with Lindsay and her parents...it was an honor to be in the presence of Princess Lindsay...Suzie and Jr.'s nickname for her, not mine!! It's late and I am tired, but I just had to say one thing: SHE IS MORE BEAUTIFUL IN PERSON THAN IN HER PICTURES! :) I am not making this up and I can say it because I am not a family member: MORE beautiful!! Too beautiful for words...but of course here I am trying anyway.....
Thank you Suzie and Jr...we had a wonderful time with you and can hardly wait until you can come home and we can have a big welcome home picnic, with all of us bringing the food...you just supply the children!
We love you so much, Elaine and Bill
Hi guys,,,We're so glad everything seems to get better every day for you and Lindsay!! She is so cute. Cole showed Trevor the pictures on here today,(I had them all in the a/c) he thought she was cute. I think he was surprised at the tubes and all, but he was good about it. Cruz was wiped out after the park trip w/Steph and all, early nap. Hope everyone keeps doing well, we're still praying.
love to you all
Don and Brenda
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