Friday, November 7, 2008


Lindsay is vent free! She is doing great, looks great, and weening off her meds nicely. She is still very sleepy and we still haven't held her yet. She gets flustered easily so we just let her be. She is up to 19 cc's per hour on feeds. She got her ART line out, which I might have already mentioned, and she also got her catheter out as well. Now back to changing diapers! The small things that make us parents happy! Crazy as it sounds, she has been fed now for two days and still hasn't pooped. So, guess what? Please pray for poop. We don't want the princess to get constipated.

My boys arrived last night and it felt good to fall asleep with them last night at a decent time! So, that explains why no post last night......We are enjoying the boys at a hotel tonight with a water park. They are having a blast and we will go back to A2 tomorrow afternoon. The RMH is fine but the kids end up getting bored and are too high strung to be quiet when they need to be. The walls in that place are paper thin and for some reason, especially Cruz, they don't understand that concept. I just called to check in on Lindsay and she just got her bath and resting very well. Hopefully we can cuddle tomorrow.

Blessings to all of you!


Maggie Geiger said...

Thank you so much for the update! We are so relieved to hear that Lindsay is doing so well. That picture of the kids' hands touched my heart!
Enjoy your time with your boys, you guys surely deserve it. Please try and get pics of all your fun!

Dan,Maggie,Ben, & Alli Geiger

Elaine said...

What good news at always know when we need to hear from you so that we can sleep! Of course, I had peeked on Facebook and knew you and the boys were snuggling, so I knew Lindsay had to be fine!

I am so glad you are enjoying the boys and getting a change of scenery...the nurses will love on the Princess while you give lots of love to the boys! Enjoy your weekend,

Love and prayers, Elaine

Stephanie said...

Alleluia for no vent!!! Beautiful pics. Hope you get to hold her this weekend and she continues to improve daily!

The B Family said...

Beautiful pictures to begin another beautiful day!

Praying...for cuddles!

Love to you~ Rebecca

Evie's Story said...

Yeay Lindsay! Know you are so happy to be getting your real baby strings attatched (literally!:-) Will pray she feels settled and secure and up to being held and snuggled soon!

Anonymous said...

Suzie, Just wanted to say Thank you for letting me see your Princess the other day with your Dad and Sue. She is such a sweetie and I was so thrilled to see her beautiful eyes open up to see me. So Thankful to hear that she is getting back to her old self, all our Prayers are working aren't they? When you finally get to hold her give her hugs from me and I'm sure from everyone else that loves her! God Bless and enjoy your little boys too! Sara Dziewicki

Amanda-The Family News! said...

yea for no vent. I hope you get to hold the sweet princess very soon!!! I am so glad to hear you got to spend some sweet time with the boys too -

Anonymous said...

Hey Lindsay- Being off the vent is great! It took me a couple of days to start feeling like myself agin, but this morning I woke up and felt sooo much better! I got to stare at the mobile that Mom and Dad broght me from home, get held by both Mom and Dad, and dirty a few diapers just for fun! I think we should stay off the ventilators from now on. I'm sure you will enjoy it as much as I am... just make sure you get lots of rest and digest your feeds. Maybe we can both go to moderate care at the same time!

-Connor Dickson
HLHS heart buddy- bed 11

Anonymous said...

that first picture is priceless!!!! so cute to see her baby lips sucking on a binkie too! i hope you enjoy your time with the boys ( i am sure they love seeing their sweet baby sister).
we'll be waiting to hear when she finally poops (ha ha)
and if it's real bad, make daddy do it!!!! hee hee!
-in our thoughts always,

Katie said...

I hope you're holding her as I type this to you!!! What a doll baby...she warms my heart. Praying that your hospital days are coming to an end and you'll be home with the princess VERY SOON! Loved the boys costumes too. I think ALL of our kiddos would have a blast together someday!!!!
Love and hugs to you,

Anonymous said...

We were told of Linsay's condition by mutual friends, Melissa and Peter Eldridge. Peter is a long-time friend of my husband's and they recently moved to our hometown, Wichita. Right now, however, we are in Ann Arbor at the Ronald McDonald House with you, awaiting the birth of our son. He was diagnosed with a double inlet left ventricle, and it sounds like he will have some procedures similar to Lindsay's. Our prayers are with your precious little princess and your entire family as Lindsay recovers from her surgery. Please let us know if we can help in any way, and hopefully we will cross paths here at some point (we have our two youngest sons with us, ages 4 and 1.) God bless, Steve and Michelle Hagerott

Jim and Deb Coe said...

Your precious little girl is so beautiful. We pray for constant and steadfast love, joy, peace and patience as you continue to address the constant issues and decisions you are faced with every single day...all the things you must do in order to finally be able to bring your little girl home with you. What a blessing you all are to each other. In the name of Jesus Christ, may many blessings continue to be yours.