Our visit to the cardiologist went extremely well today and we go back in 1 month if you can believe that! The only change is that we are cutting her lasix dosage from 3 times per day down to once a day. Everything else is the same. She weighed in at a hefty 8 lbs 2 ounces! For only eating 2 ounces at a time, she is doing very well. She is however on 24 cal formula so that helps put weight on considering she gets tuckered out after two ounces. What a trooper!
As you can tell by the picture, she has started drama classes. :-)This picture is for you Aunt Dani. I just love my new summer dress!

Love you all and will keep the updates coming!
Love, Suzie
Thanks for keeping the updates coming for those of us not fortunate to be able to see your beautiful little girl in person!
I'm sure Grandma Linda will be more than happy to give her some extra loving on our behalf!
We're so glad that you've got another "Super Baby"--you sure deserve it!
All our love, Debbie and Rick
What an adorable picture!! She is just too cute! Glad we finally got to meet her...the boys will be fighting over her before we know it!!
So glad to hear the good report from the cardiologist! What an answer to prayer that she's doing so incredibly well! Keep up the good work!
The pictures are so cute. She is even cuter in person. I am so glad we were able to stop by for a quick visit. Natalie was so excited. I am glad everything is going so well. You look great, too. You were just glowing, you have such a great, loving, and supportive family. The pictures of Jr. and Lindsay are so adorable. They both look so peaceful and perfect together. I am so glad we are able to be updated and can follow her amazing journey through this blog. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Love~Sarah, Charlie, Natalie, and, Nathan
Glad to hear that the cardiology appointment went well. It sounds like she is eating well(always a struggle for our heart kiddo's)She is just too precious, and her coloring looks great(not something most mom's are used to hearing as a compliment...but us heart mom's know)I look forward to hearing more good reports!
~Stephanie(Braeden's mommy)
I am glad you got a good report today. I can't wait to see her and the boys again. Keep up the good work Lindsay. Love Aunt Retta and Uncle Wade.
Glad to hear that things are going so well! We are still checking for updates everyday so please keep them coming. We will keep the prayers coming on our end.
Mark, Barb, & Chad
Dear Suzie, Jr, Cole, Cruz and Lindsay,
What great news!! I am always so glad to read the wonderful progress. We all knew this would turn out alright and we are still praying every day for more good progress. I love the picture!!! Keep Smilin and have a great day.
Love ya,
Steve and Tina
PS: 5:20 am is really early!!!
Adorable picture and wonderful news!
I LOVE the picture! When can I get copies of that! Holy cow....I miss all of you! I hope you enjoyed the pizza on Friday night from the one and only...Genos Parchment Pizzaria(classic style)...Hey its all I could do from Pensacola, FL what can I say....and sorry JR that they ran out of fried pickles :(
I am glad the progress is going well! I hope to see you all soon!
Uncle Dan, Brae, and Cam
Way too cute and what good news. It was so wonderful to see all of you. We miss you guys. Keep the postings and pictures coming.
We are SO SO happy and greatful...
what wonderful news. And as if that isn't enough, she keeps getting prettier! :)
(the boys are pretty darn cute too!
Love and hugs, Elaine and Bill
We are praying for little Lindsay tonight as she is in the hospital! We love you Lindsay!!
Uncle Dan, Brae, and Cam
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