Lindsay has really settled in nicely here at home and now that the boys are back, we really feel like a family again.

Aunt Carole was anxious to get her hands on little Lindsay.

And so was Cruz! He just loves his sister and really helps me out especially if she wants her pacifier.......or even if she doesn't. :-)

This is Lindsay all ready to leave from the hospital. She was just as anxious as Mom and Dad I think. No one would ever know that this is her about 10 minutes after they shut every single one of her monitors off. Yes, I was a little nervous to say the least!

On one of our walks, we visited the Winter's. Garrett and William were so excited to get their "sanitized" hands on Lindsay. Notice the tube.....she was having a bad feeding day that day and I put the NG tube back in for a little while. Since Sunday, she has been doing beautifully and not acting too terribly tired after her whole 60 cc'c of formula. Maybe in the next week or so we can up the amount that she gets but for now she automatically stops when that amount is about done. Meds are getting easier to get ready. I think it took me about 20 minutes the very first time because I kept looking at the bottle 4 and 5 times to make sure it was the right one, the right amount, and the right time of day to be giving it to her.

On another note, we had a death in the family this week. This past Monday, actually Tuesday early morning, we lost my Uncle Les. (for those of you that kind of know the family, it is my Grandpa Lumbard's brother) Thankfully he wasn't in any pain and was able to leave this earth quickly without suffering. Funeral is Thursday. I know that he was greeted with open arms in heaven.
Well, because I could only figure out how to post five pictures in a single posting, keep posted and look at the next post for more pictures since our arrival home.
Thanks again for being stalkers :-) and please keep the prayers coming! We are certainly not out of the woods yet, but we have a darned good start and Lindsay is a fighter for sure! The nurse comes to the house again tomorrow and hopefully gives us a good report once again.
Heart Hugs and Love,
Lindsay looks fantastic! It must be so nice to have your family together. At some point, I would love for the kids to meet her. I give them updates about her all the time and we talk about her often.
Pictures are beauitful. She looks so healthy you would never know what she has been through by looking at her pictures. Can't wait to come and see her.
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