So far so good on the new
meds and new formula. Not one spit up! Can you believe that? She is like a whole new kid and she is even starting to smile at us. There is nothing like a baby looking into your eyes and then starts to smile at you. You just melt right there and then wish it were on video to remember forever! She and I have just been hanging out here at the house and going for walks every now and then. Since she can't be immunized for another two weeks, we are kind of on house arrest. That is fine with me. I am getting so much done around the house! Plus, we get all the snuggle time that we want this way.

I took the liberty this morning of photographing her morning
meds. Overwhelming?? From right to left:
Plavix study drug,
Lasix, and the rest of the dose of
Previcid. All of these are taken each morning at 9am before she eats. You would think her little belly wouldn't have room for all of this plus formula! She takes
meds so well. I am so proud of our little princess. I'm just thankful that all of these are oral and not shots! Could you imagine?! But, if they were, we would just have to suck it up and do it.
The latest in the family is that we took Cole to the
ENT two days ago and he will be having his
adenoids out and tubes put in his ears August 20
th. That week will be something else let me tell you! Lindsay has an appointment with the pediatrician on the 14
th, a cardiology appointment on the 15
th, Cole's surgery on the 20
th, Cruz's birthday is on the 21st, Cruz to the pediatrician on the 22
nd, and Cruz's party on the 24
th. WHEW! Can I say that I will be calling a few of you out there for help!!!
Well, the kids are bathed and I'm ready to hit the sack!
Even though a hectic schedule sometimes we all complain about being so busy, but I wouldn't want it any other way! GOD is good!
Love, Suzie
PS I have had a few mentions about where were Cole's photos on Patti's site? We didn't have his done because we are using his school pictures now as his annual photo that I of course will pass along in the fall after we get them back. I have to slow down a little on photos of Cole to make it even between all three kids. :-) Plus, I do the kids photos at 1,3,6,9,12,18 months and starting at 2 years and on, just once per year....professionally that is.
The Pictures turned out good, all of you take such good pictures. If you need any help that week let me know. We would like to come and see all of you soon, give us a call. Lindsay is so cute. My thoughts are with all of you. Love Aunt Retta and Wade
Lindsay sure looks precious in her outfits. I want to see her in her "Go Blue" outfit real soon!! Maybe when it gets closer to the season.....anyways...always praying for the little princess and as well as Cole too with his upcoming procedure!
Uncle Dan
Suzie, All I can say is you are right - "God is Good!" He never gives us more than we can handle, but sometimes I wonder! God Bless all of you and I will be thinking of Cole on the 20th. You are all still in my Prayers! Sara Dziewicki
Glad to hear such wonderful news about Lindsay's progress. We'll be thinking about Cole and his surgery. Continued prayers.
Sheesh, Susie. It's too bad none of your kids are photogenic. I mean, a real shame.
We're thinking about you guys all the time. Can't wait to see you -- we'll be in Kzoo at the end of the month, if you want some company. I'd love to meet Lindsay, and introduce Avery to the boys!
Great touch, the music. The pics are great, of course. I hope August goes better than July. Your used to busy, so you will do great. Hope all is well, and I hope to plan a night to come over and bring Papa Murphys, but I will call you.
Take care,
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